The Gazette 1958-61
5. Registered Owner, Mary Costello. Folio number, 1005. County Limerick. Lands of Bally- donohoe, in the Barony of Shanid, containing 9a. 3 r. 34p. THE REGISTRY Register A YOUNG Solicitor wanted to take charge of good Country Town practice. Apply: Box A. 182. Register B EXPERIENCED Solicitor wishes to purchase practice or partner ship. Replies in confidence. Box 8.243. RECENTLY qualified solicitor (lady) seeks position. Dublin preferred. Box B. 244 SOLICITOR, admitted 1954, experienced both in office pro cedure and court work seeks position. Would consider purchasing partnership or practice. Box 6.245. SOLICITOR (lady) recently qualified, B.A., requires assistant- ship Dublin or country. Box 6.246. SOLICITOR, qualified October, 1958, seeks position in office, Dublin, Kildare or Wicklow area. Box 8.247. Register C Wanted to purchase the following books : Laws of England (1917 edition), Halsbury; Tristram & Coote's Probate Practice (i7th edition); Latin Maxims & Phrases (4th edition), by Traynor ; Strahan's Digest of Equity (4th edition); Lewin's Law of Trusts (nth edition) ; The Principles of Equity by T. O'N. Keily; Acts and Orders relating to Death Duties in Ireland, by Collins & Collins. Apply Box €.159. Will any Solicitor who may know the whereabouts of the Will of Richard Moran, late of 24A Hill Street, Dublin, deceased, please communicate with Scan 6 hUadhaigh & Son, Solicitors, 51 Dawson Street, Dublin.
specified the said Schedule, which original Certificates, it is alleged, have been lost or in advertently destroyed. A duplicate Certificate will be issued in each case, except a case in respect of which notification is received in this Registry within 28 days from the publication of this notice, that the Certificate of Title is still in existence, and in the custody of some person other than the registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which such Certificate is being held. Dated the z6th day of November, 1959. D. L. MCALLISTER, Registrar of Titles. in SCHEDULE. 1. Registered Owner, Eliza Rispin, Folio number 1585. County Meath. Lands of Kildalkey in the Barony of Lune, containing 6oa. ir. i2p. 2. Registered Owner, Maurice Power. Folio Lands of Mona- creagh, in the Barony of Itnokilly, containing 3 5 a. ir. lop. 3. Registered Owner, John Boland. Folio number, 469. County Wexford. Lands of Pallas Lower, in the Barony of Gorey, containing 41 a. or. 3p. 4. Registered Owner, Elkabeth Kelleher. Folios 7063 and 16925. County Cork. Lands of Lehenagh More, in the Barony of Cork, containing j8a. or. 25p. and 6ia. 3r. 3op., respectively. number, 33410. County Cork. Central Office, Land Registry, Chancery Street, DUBLIN.
THE SOLICITORS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION The Association, which operates throughout the whole of Ireland, cares for Solicitors, their wives widows and families, who have fallen on hard times. • Last year over £2,CCO was distributed in relief. Additional subscriptions, donations and bequests are urgently needed to continue and extend the Association's work. The active co-operation of the profession in the Association's good work is asked for, and all who are not members are urged to join without delay. Membership subscription, £1 Is. Od. (or 10s. 6d. if admitted less than 3 years) a year. £10 10s. Od. life membership. Address : SECRETARY, SOLICITORS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, 18, HUME STREET, DUBLIN. Printed by Cahill & Co. Ltd., Parkgate Printing Works, Dublin.
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