The Gazette 1958-61
on the strengthened financial position and pointed out that the membership of the Association now exceeded 300. The following Officers and Council were elected, namely : President, Eunan McCarron; Vice- President, Rory O'Connor; Honorary Secretary, Charles Hyland ; Honorary Treasurer, Edmond O. Sheil; Honorary Auditors, P. Glynn and E. Crowley. Council: Messrs. Victor Wolfe, J. A. G. Cullen, J. M. Farrelly, E. Byrne, S. Millington, K. Burke, E. J. Margetson, R. Knight, George A. Williams. In the course of the meeting the President referred to the importance of observing the terms of account able receipts for documents. Mr. McGarry urged that more pains be taken as to attire in Court especially if gowns were not available. Certain matters were referred to the incoming Council. A Meeting of the Council was held on Wednesday, I4th October, 1959. Messrs. Knight and Williams were welcomed as new members of the Council. The following sub-committees were appointed :— 1. Court areas—Messrs. McGarry, Byrne and Farrelly. 2. Circuit and District Courts—Messrs. Byrne, Wolfe and Knight. 3. Emergency—The President, the Vice-President and the Hon. Secretary. 4. Dinner—The Vice-President, the Hon. Treas urer and Mr. McGarry. Certain matters referred by the Law Society were considered and dealt with ; as were an application for permission to use the Association's form of contract for sale, and recent appointments of District Court Summons Servers. The attention of members is drawn to the Associa tion's form of administration of estates reminders which solicitors generally should find very useful • and which may be obtained from Messrs. Donaldson, Celbridge, at 6/- per doz. Other matters having been dealt with, the next meeting was fixed for Wednesday, 4th November, 1959. A Meeting of the Council was held on Wednesday, 4th November, 1959. A resolution of sympathy was passed to the widow of the late Mr. Justice Dixon whose personal and professional qualities had been so highly esteemed. The meeting noted with interest the use of a typewriter in the Metropolitan District Court for the taking of depositions, this being an innovation which it h-ad: suggested some years -ago. 'The Hon orary -"Treasurer-- reported, on- the position of
Thursday, 25th February, 1960—To be arranged. Thursday, 24th March, 1960—Dr. Keith Simpson, Pathologist to the Home Office in London, on " The Doctor's Part in Criminal Investigation." Full details as to membership may be obtained from the Hon. Secretary, 4 Chancery Place, Dublin. SOLICITORS' GOLFING SOCIETY AUTUMN MEETING AT ROYAL DUBLIN GOLF CLUB, DOLLYMOUNT Thursday, ist October, 1959. RESULT SHEET I.L.S. Challenge Cup (with Prize presented by the President)—Winner: A. O'Donnell (10) 38 pts. Prize for Runner-up (presented by the Golfing Society)—Winner: M. S. Matthews (n) 34 pts. The Ryan Challenge Cup (with Prize presented by the Golfing Society)—Winner: S. Shaw (18) 34 pts. Prize for Runner-up—Winner : T. A. O'Reilly (18) 34 pts. Best Score (ist Nine Holes)—Winner : John Maher (10). Best Score (znd Nine Holes)—Winner : G. Craw- ford (13). OTHER PRIZES—D. P. Shaw, E. Dillon, D. Buchalter, M. E. Hanahoe, B. Donnelly. CO. MEATH SOLICITORS' ASSOCIATION THE Annual General Meeting of the above Associa tion was held on the 3Oth October, 1959. The following officers were elected : President, Mr. N. Lacy ; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. E. Leahy; Committee—Messrs. F. O'Reilly, L. Noonan, W. O. Armstrong, Barry Steen, W. Carroll, A. Donnelly; Provincial Delegate, Mr. P. Noonan. DUBLIN SOLICITORS' BAR ASSOCIATION THE Annual General Meeting of the Association was held on Wednesday, yth October, 1959. Present: The President, Mr. Leslie Kearon in the Chair, and Messrs. Charles Hyland, George A. Williams, Richard Knight, Desmond Moran, Alfred E. Ashton, G. S. O'Rourke, James J. O'Connor, Rory O'Connor, S. Millington, John A. G. Cullen, Victor Wolfe, Edmond O. Sheil, E. J. Margetson, J. F. V. Arnold, John Maher, Kevin Burke, Frank R. Tully, J. B. McGarry, T. J. Kirwan, J. M. Farrelly, E. McCarron, B. T. Walsh, E. W. Proud, D. B. O'Sullivan, P. J. Walsh, E. H. Byrne, F. A. Gibney, Charles P. Forde and Ralph J. Walker, The reports of the Honorary Secretary and Hon orary Treasurer were adopted. The latter remarked .46
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