The Gazette 1958-61
OBITUARY MR. WILLIAM D. MOCKLER, Solicitor, died on the 15th June, 1959, at the Bon Secours Home, Cork. Mr. Mockler served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Barry C. Galvin, 36 South Mall, Cork, was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1918, and practised at 57 South Mall, Cork. MR. CHARLES A. FLATTERY, Solicitor, died on the iyth June, 1959, in London. Mr. Flattery served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Edward McFadden, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal, was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1913, and practised at Letterkenny, Co. Donegal until his appointment as District Justice in 1923.
some person other than the registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which such Certificate is being held. Dated the 3oth day of July, 1959. D. L. McALLISTER, Registrar of Titles
Central Office, Land Registry, Chancery Street, DUBLIN.
SCHEDULE. i. Registered Owner, Patrick Moynagh. number, 10688, County Monaghan. Lands of Lisnadarragh in the Barony of Cremorne containing zia. or. 10 p. THE REGISTRY SOLICITOR, 12 years' experience in Dublin, presently employed, seeks position town or country. Box No. 239. LADY SOLICITOR with general experience seeks position as assistant solicitor. Box No. 238. Register C WANTED : Vols. 21 to 24 of the znd Edition of the pre-ipzo Statutes Revised. Particulars as to condition, price, etc., to John J. Timoney, Solicitor, Tipperary. Folio
Government Publications as passed by the Oireachtas
Statutes of Limitations Bill, 1954, with explanatory sidenotes—(zs. 6d.) postage zd. Administration of Estates Bill, 1957, with explanatory memorandum—(is.) postage zd. On Sale at the Government Publications Sales Office, G.P.O. Arcade, Dublin.
THE SOLICITORS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION The Association, which operates throughout the whole of Ireland, cares for Solicitors, their wives widows and families, who have fallen on hard times. Last year over £2,000 was distributed in relief. Additional subscriptions, donations and bequests are urgently needed to continue and extend the Association's work. The active co-operation of the profession in the Association's good work is asked for, and all who are not members are urged to join without delay. Membership subscription, £\ Is. Od. (or 10s. 6d. if admitted less than 3 years) a year. £10 10s. Od. life membership. Address : SECRETARY, SOLICITORS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, 18, HUME STREET, DUBLIN. ;
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