The Gazette 1958-61
to each branch of law ; the student who applies the examination technique advocated by Dr. Williams will almost certainly pass with honours, and the general librarian will appreciate the special problems of a law library. If the publishers could be induced to publish a short Irish supplement at the end of Dr. William's volume giving references to Irish law reports and Irish textbooks, this book would be as essential as Wylie on the Judicature Acts or O'Connor's Justice of the Peace. As it is, Professor Williams is an invaluable guide, philosopher and friend, particularly for the beginner, and this volume is as essential as any of the prescribed text-books. C.G.D. The Annual Meeting was held in the Bar Room, Courthouse, Castlebar, on Monday, zyth April, 1959. The following Officers were elected for 1959- 1960 :— President, Edward Fitzgerald ; Vice-President, Patrick J. Mulligan ; Hon. Treasurer, Bea M. Hynes ; Hon. Secretary, John F. Caravan. Council:— Joseph King, Patrick J. Brennan, Edward Williams, Thomas V. O'Connor and William Dillon-Leetch. The minimum fees recommended by the Law Society for defending Dangerous Driving prosecu tions were approved of. A Scale of Costs for Short Tenancy Agreement Lettings, on a sliding scale, where rents were under £105 per year was adopted and a minimum fee for Agistment Agreements of £i is. od. plus outlay was approved of. It was agreed to make representations to the County Registrar to allow increased mileage allow ance at i]- per mile for witnesses and solicitors in cases where travelling expenses are allowed in costs. A proposal to approve of representations to the Land Registry to have proper stiff covered backs attached to photographic copies of Folios (similar to those supplied by the Principal Probate Registry for copy Grant) was carried. On a general discussion about costs and the difficulties about drawing and typing of long Bills, the members expressed the view that if costs of Probate and Administration could be fixed on a percentage scale—similar to Sales—the profession would benefit. The absence of Folio Number from Receivable Order was again referred to and the members were informed that the Law Society had made represen tations to the Land Commission on the matter. The members were asked to endeavour to travel to the Law Society meeting to be held in Killarney MAYO SOLICITORS' BAR ASSOCIATION
and were again urged
the Benevolent
EXAMINATION RESULTS At the Preliminary Examination for intending apprentices to solicitors held on the zoth and zist days of May, the following candidates passed the examination :— Stuart L. W. Cosgrave ; Daniel J. Hamilton. 3 candidates attended; 2 passed. At the Book-keeping Examination for apprentices to solicitors held on the 22nd day of May, the following passed the examination :— Passed with Merit: i. Richard R. Pierse; 2. Dermot Bouchier-Hayes ; 3. John B. M. Doyle ; 4. Thomas J. D. Lane. Passed: Robert E. Blakeney ; Oliver J. Conlon ; John N. Lavelle; Maire McHale; Mary M. O'Callaghan; Jeremiah A. Reidy. 16 candidates attended : 10 passed. EXAMINATION DATES Examination ist Law Final Preliminary Bookkeeping Date Sept. ist & 2nd Sept. ist, 2nd & 3rd Sept. 2nd & 3rd Sept. 4th Last Date for Notice Aug. nth Aug. 11 th Aug. 12th Aug. I4th In a consent to settlement under the Fatal Injuries Act, 1956 an averment must be made that children are not adopted or illegitimate as the case may be. Section 2 of the Fatal Injuries Act, 1956 provides that (a) that only one action may be brought in respect of the death, (b) the action by whomsoever brought shall be for the benefit of ALL the defen dants, (f) relationship to the deceased for the purposes of the Act is extended beyond the scope of previous Acts, to cover adopted children, illegitimate children and persons in loco parentis. M. was the widow of the deceased, who was survived by her, his eight minor children and his mother. The case was settled and application was made to the High Court (Murnaghan J.) to approve of a settlement on behalf of the minor children, and to divide the amount amongst the persons entitled. There was no averment in the plaintiff's affidavit to the effect that the deceased had not illegitimate children. 18 ist & 2nd Irish Sept. i8th & igth Aug. z8th DECISIONS OF PROFESSIONAL INTEREST
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