The Gazette 1958-61
Feeling that we were unable to obtain any con– cession from the Joint Banks Standing Committee at that time, the Council decided that the individual banks should be approached and accordingly deputa– tions were arranged and took place. We were able, in meeting the directors of these banks in– formally to put our point of view before them and to explain exactly what it was we wanted, and I can say that we were met in every case with friendliness and with sympathy but of course it was made clear to us that no individual bank would step out of line. And then, before we could complete our visits to all the banks we understood that the Joint Banks Standing Committee would welcome a further approach. Accordingly, we went to see them and they made the offer of which you have recently been told : that a set-off will be allowed as between the client account and the office account, but not against the personal account of a solicitor. The Council feels that this offer covers all that was asked for, and it has been accepted and it is now a matter for each individual solicitor to deal with his own bank manager accordingly. I should like to thank the members of the deputations who came with me to interview the Bank Directors, and in particular I would like to thank Messrs. Gerard Sweetman, Thomas Jackson, and Ignatius Houlihan, who though not members of the Council, attended on some of the deputations and willingly gave up their time to do so. I have referred to the foregoing matter separately from my general report to-day for the reason that while it is of interest to the profession that they should know what has happened it is nevertheless a domestic matter, and of no concern to the public whatsoever. Mr. D. B. Gilmore proposed a vote of thanks to the President which was carried with acclamation. The President replied and the proceedings then terminated. BAR ASSOCIATIONS Mayo Solicitors' Bar Association A SPECIAL General Meeting and the Annual General Meeting were recently held in the Bar Room, Castlebar. At the former, resolutions of sympathy with Mr. Henry Charles Bourke of Ballina, on the death of his wife, and to Mr. Patrick J. Rooney of Belmullet, on the death of his mother were passed. The resolutions were proposed by Mr. Alfred V. G. Thornton, and seconded by Mr. Lorcan Gill. Mr. Henry Charles Bourke is the only surviving founder-member of the Association, and was the first Honorary Secretary at the meeting held on
18th April, 1906, when the late Alfred B. Kelly was elected President, and the other members, John Garvey, J. P. Mannion, M. V. Coolican, Thomas Dillon-Leetch, Patrick O'Connor, T. F. Kirwan, Edmund Barry, J. C. Garvey, E. P. O'Flanagan P. J. O'Rorke, J. C. Robertson, M. Verdon and H. McGonigal formed the Association under the name of the " Mayo Sessional Bar." At the Annual Meeting there was a record attend– ance of 20 members when the following officers were elected for 1958-59 : President : Patrick J. Mulligan ; Vice-President : Edmund A. Corr ; Hon. Treasurer : Ben. Hynes ; Hon. Secretary : William Dillon-Leetch ; Council : Patrick J. Durcan, Lorcan Gill, Douglas Kelly, Patrick J. McEllin and Patrick U. Murphy. The several items discussed included extension of Circuit Court Sittings, representations to have Folio Number inserted on Receivable Order, and opposition to a further move by Mayo County Council to close courthouses. Once again all members were urged to join the Solicitors' Bene– volent Association. County Tipperary arid Offaly (Birr Division) Sessional Bar Association THE following officers and Council were elected for the year 1958-59 at the Annual General Meeting of the above Association held in April : President : Francis Murphy, Clonmel; Hon. Secretary : John Carrigan, Thurles ; Hon. Treas– urer : Martin T. Butler, Thurles. Committee : Michael G. Black, Nenagh; Michael O'Meara, Nenagh ; Patrick F. Treacy, Nenagh ; Henry Hayes, Nenagh; John J. Nash, Thurles ; Michael McGrath, Nenagh; Henry Shannon, Clonmel; James A. Binchy, Clonmel; Gerard O'Donnell, Clonmel; Thomas Reilly, Clonmel; Robert A. Frewen, Tipperary ; John J. Timoney, Tipperary. Dublin Solicitors' Bar Association A MEETING of the Council was held on Wednesday, I4th May, 1958. The Council being dissatisfied as to the accessi– bility of Court No. 9, Chancery Place, has requested the Minister for Justice to receive a deputation. A welcome improvement in the standard of cleanliness of certain Courtrooms was noted, and the co-operation of the Office of Public Works and the Establishment Officer, Four Courts, was appreci– ated. The possibility of bringing about improve– ments in the public restaurant at the Four Courts was further considered.
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