The Gazette 1955-58
Probate and general office work. Good prospects tor suitable applicant. Please apply Box No. Ai6i. SOLICITORS PRACTICE for immediate sale in provincial town in Munstcr. Over twenty years established. Box No. A165. WANTED : young solicitor with not less than three years' experience since admission for busy and growing general practice in Uganda, particularly to deal with conveyancing of registered land and company matter. Prospects of partnership which can be purchased from income if necessary ; unmarried man preferred ; salary by arrangement, leave every three years. Apply Box. No. Ai&4. Register C. A WILL of Miss Elizabeth Ebrill, late of Summcrvillc Cottage, South Circular Road, Limerick, who died on the 6th of July, 1955, is sought. Will any person having possession of, .or information which might lead to the discovery of such Will, please communicate with Peebles Knox & Pigot, Solicitors, zi Kildarc Street, Dublin. WILL any solicitor having knowledge of the Will of Colcman Maguire of Carrowshanbally, Gurtymaddcn, Ballinasloc, County Galway who died in or about 26 years ago and/or the Will of his son, Joseph Maguire, of same address who died in January, 1956, kindly communicate with A. D. Comyn & Co., Solicitors, Loughrca, Co. Galway.
REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACTS, 1891 AND 1942 County Tipperaty DAVID O'BRIEN NOTICE. Folio 553 Registered Owner The Registered Owner has applied for a Duplicate of the Certificate of Title specified in the Schedule hereto which is stated to have been lost or in advertently destroyed. The Duplicate will be issued unless notification is received in this Registry within 28 days from the date of this Notice that the said Certificate of Title is in the custody of a person not the Registered Owner. Such notification should state the grounds on which the Certificate is retained. Dated this 28th clay of March, 1956. JOSEPH O'BYRNE, Registrar of Titles. SCHEDULE. Land Certificate of David O'Brien to 243. 31'. 4p. of the lands of Crannavone situate in the Barony of Iffa and OfFa West and County of Tipperary being the lands comprised in said Folio.
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