The Gazette 1955-58
1907 ; Colles, on Irish Lunacy Law, 1878 ; Cotton, on Irish Public Health Acts, 1891 ; The Conveyancer— Index of Articles and Precedents, Vol. 1-18 (1955) ; Crabb— Conveyancing Precedents, 1859; Crowther— Religious Trusts, 1954; Current Law Year Book, 1952, 1953 and 1954—and monthly from January, 1955- Dail Eireann— General Index to Parliamentary Debates, 4 vols. (Vol. I—1922-27 ; Vol. II—1927-37 ; Vol. 111—1937-40; Vol. IV—1940-47); De Moleyns— Landowners Guide, 8th edition, 1899; Dew, on Divorce Law, 1955 ; Drummond and Smith— Irish Supreme Court Practice, 1891 ; Dublin University—(Trinity College)— Calendar, 1955-56; Dymond and Johns— The Death Duties, i2th edition, 1955 ; Eddy— Professional Negligence, 1955 ; Edinburgh University— Calendar, 1955-56; Edwards— Mens Rea in Statutory Offences, 1955 ; Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents, 2nd edition, 20 vols., 1925 ; England— Civil Judicial Statistics, 1954. English and Empire Digest —Third Cumulative Supplement, 1955 ; English and Empire Digest— Replacement Volumes 9 & 10 (Companies) ; Fletcher on Law of Landlord and Tenant (pamphlet, 1955); Fottrell— Irish Tramway Acts, (1883); Geary— Official Cost of Living Index Number (pamphlet) ; Gilchrist-Smith, on Conveyancing (pamphlet), 1955 ; Gill— Notes on Costs, 1927 ; Glanville-Williams— The Proof of Guilt, 1955 ; Glasgow University Calendar, I 955~j6 J Goodhart— Essays in Jurisprudence and in the Common Law, 1950 (donation); Griffith, on Law of Torts (pamphlet), 1955 ; Hague Academy of International Law— Collection of Courses— General Index, Vols. i to 84 (1923-1954); Halsbury— Laws of England, 3rd edition, ed. Lord Simonds, Vols. 10-13 published (Subjects—Compulsory Acquisition of Land and Criminal Law to Ecclesiastical Law and Education) ; Halsbury— Laws ofEngland, 3rd edition, Cumulative Supplement, 195 5 ; Hanna— War and Suspension of Legal Remedies, 1914; Hanson— Death Duties —6th Cumulative Supplement to 9th Edition, 1955 ; Hamson and Plucknett— The English Trial and Comparative Law, 1952 ; Hamson, Denning, Goodhart and Glanville- Williams— Law Reform and Law Making (broadcast talks, 1953); Hardy-Ivamy— Show Business and the Law, 1955 ; Harris— Law of Lunacy in Ireland (another copy) ; Harvard Law Review— Monthly from Volume 64, No. 5—March, 1951 ; Hene— Law of Sea and Air Traffic, 1955; Hill and Kerrigan — English Town and Country Planning Act, 1947— with Supplement, 1949; Hughes— Irish Land Acts of 1923 and 1927 (another copy). Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London (donations)—(i) Survey of Legal Periodicals in 'British 86
Trustee's Duty to provide information—" Hawksley v. May" (H.C.) (L.T., i6th December, 1955). Variation of Trusts—" Re Chapman " and " Re Simmons " (S.J., 28th January, 1956) and (L.T., 27th January, 1956). Venue—High Court or County Court (L.T., 3rd February, 1956). Warranties on Sale of Motor Car (S.J., 3rd Sep tember, 1955). Workman's Compensation—Employers in default of payments is not entitled to a review—" Devaney v. Abbeytown Mining Co." (Judge Lynch) (I.L.T., 7th January, 1956). Workmen's Compensation—Redemption Proceed ings should be instituted by Notice of Motion— " Charlton v. Commrs. of Public Works " (Judge Lynch) (I.L.T., 24th December, 1955). Writers and the Law—Charles Lamb (L.T., 6th January, 1956). LIST OF LIBRARY ACQUISITIONS. as compiled to ist March, 1956. Adkin— Law of Dilapidations, 4th edition, 1955; Australia— Report of Royal Commission on 'Espionage, 1955 ; Australian and New Zealand Law List, 1954 (donation) ; Bagenal— Compendium of Board of Works Loan Acts (1876) (donation); Bamber and Hunt— Manual of Modern Mining Law (1930); Barton and Barnes on the Death Duties (1890); Eel fast and Ulster Directory, 1955; Benjamin on Sale—5th edition (1906); Bingham— Motor Claims Cases, 3rd edition (1954) ; Blundell and Wellings— Rent Restriction Cases Annotated, 3rd edition (1955) ; Bolton and Hughes— Duties of a Company Secretary (1950); Bolton— Labourers Acts (1908) 2 vols.; Bolton— Housing of the Working Classes Acts; Boughen-Graham— Covenants, Settlements and Taxation (1954); Breakey— Handbook of Common and Statute Law of Ireland (1895) ; Brown on Law of Contract (pamphlet, 1955); Bundesministerium (German Federal Ministry)— Scbrifttum %J
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