The Gazette 1955-58
Landlord and Tenant 1954— " Statutory Tenancies " (L.T., lyih August, 195 5). Landlord and Tenant—Landlord entitled to possess ion if tenant of business premises inadvertently assigns these without his consent—" Thompson v. O'Neill" (Judge McCarthy) (I.L.T., i2th November, 1955). Landlord and Tenant—Sister assignee entitled to remain in possession of premises vacated by tenant—" McCabe v. McGonigle " (Murnaghan J.) (I.L.T., 3ist December, 1955). Landlord and Tenant—Occupying tenant who sub-lets part of the premises does not lose the protection of the Rent Acts in relation to the portion sub-let—" O'Donohoe v. Keogh " (Haugh J.) J.L.T., 8th October, 1955). Landlord's liability for repair subject only to notice of disrepair: " Uniproducts Ltd., v. Rose Fur nishers Ltd." (H.C.) (S.J., 4th February, 1956). Legal Aid in Magisterial and Criminal Proceedings (S.J., xoth December, 1955). Legal Aid Problems (L.T., i2th August, 1955). Locke—Kings Acts : Liability of Property to bear its own Charges (S.J., aist January, 1956). Lorry Driver held personally liable to insurers of his employers in respect of their vicarions liability to follow employee as a result of negligence: " Romford Ice and Cold Storage Co. v. Lister " (C.A.) (L.T., 2oth January, 1956). Metal in Black Pudding not due to defendant's lack of care in preparing food " Fleming v. Denny & Sons " (Supreme Court) (I.L.T., loth Septem ber, 1955). Misfeasance Summons under Companies Acts: "Re B. Johnson & Co. (Builders) Ltd. (C.A.) (jL.T., 2nd December, 1955). Non-Cohabitation Clause (S.J., zjd\ August, 1955). Notes from the Temple—Legal Aid (I.L.T., 24th December, 1955). Noteworthy Decisions of Judicial Year (L.T., i9th and' z6th August and 2nd, 9th, i6th, 23rd and 3Oth September, 1955). Noteworthy Statutes of the Year (L.T., i6th and 23rd September, 1955. Notice of Intended Prosecution—Service on Un conscious Man—" Sandland v. Neale " (H.C.) (L.T., gth December, 1955). Nuisance on Highway—Liability of Adjoining Owner—-" Penney v. Berry" (C.A.) (S.J., ist October, 1955). Options to purchase settled land at a valuation (S.J., 4th February, 1956). Opposing a New Rating Assessment (S.J., yth and I4th January, 1956). Protection of Business Tenant at Will (S.J., 2S'.th January, 1956). 84 (England) Act,
week before Whit.), under the auspices of the Kerry Solicitors' Association. Details will be circularised to members in due course as usual. New members will be warmly welcomed. The names of those wishing to play at Killarney should be sent in as soon as possible to the Honorary Secretary, L. K. Branigan, Four Courts, as the numbers may possibly have to be limited. COUNTY GALWAY SOLICITORS' BAR ASSOCIATION. AT a General Meeting of the Association held on February 28th, the following Officers and Council were elected for the year 1956 : President, James P. Glynn; Vice-President, William B. Gavin; Hon. Treasurer, William B. Alien; Hon. Secretary, Scan F. Mac Giollarnath. Council: Thomas A. O'Donoghue, Daniel G. Shields, Christopher P. Crowley, Dominick H. Kearns, Edward C. Cooke, Henry St. J. Blake. DUBLIN SOLICITORS' BAR ASSOCIATION. A MOST enjoyable function was arranged for the members and their friends, at the Dolphin Hotel, on Monday, the i3th February, 1956. Almost 100 were present at a film show, which was followed by a running buffet supper. The function was organised by a special sub-Committee appointed by the Council of the Association. THE Twenty-Seventh Session of the Hague Academy of International Law will be held in the Peace Palace, The Hague, Netherlands, from the i6th July to the nth August, 1956. Admission is open to solicitors, barristers and university graduates and application should be made to the Secretariat of the Academy, Peace Palace, The Hague, who will send a form to be filled and returned. Further information may be obtained on application to the Secretary. RECENT LEGAL LITERATURE (continued) Joint Property and Estate Duty (S.J., loth December, J 955)- Jurisdiction over Infants—Statutory Restriction— " Re E. an Infant " (Roxburgh J.) (S.J., loth Sep tember, 1955). Jus Spatiandi—" Re Ellenboro'. Park " (Danckwerts J.) (S.J., 13th and zoth August, 1955). HAGUE ACADEMY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW.
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