The Gazette 1955-58
Dundalk Gas Charges Emergency Powers Order 1943 re voked—159/1955. Intoxicating Liquor (Maximum Prices in Dublin City and County, and Boroughs of Cork, Limerick, Watcrford and Galway)—207/1955. Irish Bakers and Confectioners' Union—High Court Deposit reduced by 75%—190/1955. Milk in Cork Sale District—Pasteurised Milk to be sold retail at 6d. per pint—245/1955. Restrictive Trade Practises relating to Building Materials and Components prohibited—187/1955. Retail Prices (Display) (No. i) Order 1938 Revocation— 182/1955. Retail Prices (Display) Order—in force from 26th September 1955—183/1955. • Sligo Gas Charges fixed at 6gd. per therm—3/1956. Sugar (Maximum Prices)—212/1955. Tobaccos (Maximum Prices)—208/1955. Trade Union Act, 1952 (Section 3) (No. 2)—190/1955. Statistics (Census of Distribution)—6/1956. CONTROL OF IMPORTS AND EXPORTS SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Amendment of Quota No. 4. and Revocation of Quota No. 29—258/1955. Amendment of Quota No. 45. and Revocation of Quotas No*. 43 and 44—205/1955. Boots and Shoes—235/1955. Completely Assembled Motor Car Chassis—224/1955. 225/1955. Completely Assembled Mechanically Propelled Vehicles— 228/1955. Completely Assembled Road Vehicle Bodies—226/1955. Cotton Piece Goods—206/1955. Electric Filament Lamps—-204/1955. Glucose—Duty of 37J-% imposed—194/1955. Hats, caps, hoods and shapes—236/1955. Inner Tubes of Pneumatic Tyres deemed to be " Pneumatic Tyres"—256/1955, 257/1955. Leather Footwear—175/1955. COUNTY AND TOWN MANAGEMENT SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Camping—Use of land allowed for this purpose by Wexford Co. Health District—233/1955. Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1948 (Section 34) (County Health District of Wexford)—233/1955. Local Government Act, 1955—Sections 35 (re temporary closing of roads, ,53 (re list of rate payers) and 67 (re travelling expenses) to come into operation on 1st March 1956—269/1955. Local Government (Temporary) (Dublin) Act, 1948 Part II continued in force until 3oth June, 1956 — 267/1955. Local Offices (Gaeltacht) Amendment—7/1956. Local Officers (Irish Language) Amendment—10/1956. Public Bodies (Temporary Provisions) relating to Estimates of Expenses and Demands of Local Authorities— 155/1955. 7'raffic Wardens Regulations under Local Government Act,. 1955—2 75 Motor Car Body Parts—227/1955. Pneumatic Bicycle Tyres—255/1955. Pneumatic Motor Tyres—254/1955. Rubber Boots and Shoes—259/1955. Rubber-proofed clothing—237/1955. Silk or artificial silk hose—5/1956. Sparking Plugs—178/1955. Woven Woollen and Worsted Fabrics—4/1956.
Registered Owner
Folio 12365 County Limerick Lands of Rathnaneane in the Barony of Glenquin containing 6a. or. i9p. Registered Owner EUGENE J. ROBINS Folio 3781 County Westmeath Lands of Ballynagarby in the Barony of Clonlonan containing i4ya. zr. 3p.
INDEX TO STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS. published since August, 1955.
AGRICULTURE, LAND AND FISHERIES SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Agricultural Produce (Cereals) Act, 1938—Certain animal foods exempted from import licence—171/1955, Agricultural Wages (Minimum Rates)—161/1055 162/1955. Amendment—165/1955. Dublin District Milk Board—Election fixed for 3ist October, 1955—153/1955. Emergency Powers (No. 254) Order 1943 (Revocation) Export of Poultry and Rabbits Amendment-—200/1955. Foyle Area (Rivers Faughan and Roc) Angling Regulations, 1955- Home-Grown Seeds—Control of Production, Processing and sale removed—199/1955- Home-Grown Wheat—75% fixed as National Percentage for Cereal Year—1956-57—247/1955. Milk and Dairies (Special Designations—" Pasteurised Milk ") Amendment Regulations 1955—136/1955. Mangel Plants and Fodder Beet Plants not to be grown in defined Sugar Beet Seed Production Area in Munster save under permit-—203/1955. Packing of Turkeys and Geese Regulations—200/1955. Seed Production (Sugar Beet) Area and Plant Prohibition— 203/1955. Seeds (Regulation of Import)—177/1955. Shannon Fisheries (Closing of Free Gap—No. 18)—262/1955. Turkeys, if exported before $ist January 1956, need not be killed on Premises to which Export Licence relates— 201/1955. Wheat Milling (Amendment)—160/1955. Carriage of Milk—174/1955. Dairy Produce Act, 1924—(Regulation under Part III)
Cigarettes (Maximum Prices)—209/1955. Cork Gas Charges—13/1956.
* Display of Retail Prices of Bread, Milk, Butter, Eggs, Vegetables Fruits, Jams, Sugar and Sausages revoked —182/1955. Display of such Retail Prices re-imposed—183/1955. Bread Prices—164/1955. Distribution of Hides and Skins Revocation—-202/1955. Drogheda Gas Charges not to exceed 4od. per therm —192/1955,
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