The Gazette 1955-58
Executor's Duty to disclose Legacy : " Hawksley v. May "-(Havers J.) (S.J., igth November, 195 5). Exclusive Possession—Is it test of occupation con stituting Licence or Tenancy? (S.J., i6th Sep tember, 1955). Fatal Injuries Bill (L.T., yth January, 1956). Finance Act (Ireland) 1955 (7.L.T., loth and iyth September, 1955). First Assessment of Sub-Divided Flats under Rent Control (S.J., 3rd September, 1955). Food and Drugs—Consolidated English Legislation (S.J., yth January, 1956). Found on Licensed Premises (I.L.T., 8th, ijth and 22nd October, 1955). Future of the Bar (L.T., zist October, 1955). Gifts to Incumbents and the Like—" Re Rumball" (S.J., loth December, 1955). Hiring and the Road Transport Acts : " A. G. v. Chambers " (Supreme Court) (I.L.T., 3rd Sep tember, 1955). Increase of Rent in case ot Improvements— " Morcom v. Campbell-Johnson" (C.A.) (S.J., i2th November, 1955). Indulgence gratuitously granted: " Tool Metal Manufacturing Co. v. Tungsten Electric Co." (H.L.) (L.T., gth September, 1955). Inheritance Act, 1938—Deceased's Obligation to Dependants : "Re Andrews" (W\nn Parry J.) (S.J., i9th November, 1955). Injuries sustained on Highway—Liability for (.L.T., 28th November, 1955). Intention to reconstruct Business Premises good ground for opposing new tenancy :—" Atkinson v. Battison (C.A.) (J./., 26th November, 1955). Irish Advocates (L.T., 9th December, 1955). PROCEEDINGS AGAINST SOLICITORS THE Disciplinary Committee made an order on icth February, 1956, directing that the name of Francis A. Walsh who practised at 28 South Richmond Street, Portobello, Dublin, shall be struck off the roll, loth February, 1956. ERIC A. PLUNKETT, Registrar of Solicitors. Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin. STRIKING OFF AND SUBSEQUENT RESTORATION OF SOLICITOR The following statement is published by direction of the Council. 73
solicitor's work was onerous and unusual, and that the negotiations were most intricate— " Dwyer v. Stafford & Co." (Murnaghan, J.) (I.L.T., i yth December, 1955). Council House as Alternative Accommodation under Rent Control (.$"./., I9th November, 1955). County Courts—Extended English Jurisdiction (S.J., 24th December, 1955). Court Accountant applies by Summary Summons under Auctioneers Act 1947 that n plaintiffs be paid sums due from defaulting auctioneer—High Court costs granted—" Duffy i>. Irish National Insurance Co." (Murnaghan J.) (I.L.T., 8th October, 195 5.) Delay in English Land Registry (S. J., i4th January, 1956.) Deposit Savings Book given to niece two months before death valid " donatio mortis causa"— " O'Donoghue v. Leonard " (Shannon J.) (I.L.T., iyth September, 1955). Determination of Religion of Infants and the Question of Paternal Authority (T.L.T., 29th October and jth, izth and igth November, 1955.) Damages for Dilapidations—Right of Judgment Debtor to go behind (L.T., 2nd December, 195 5). Draft Documents—Amendment of, in Conveyancing (L.T., 13th January, 1956). Driving tractor without having rear light on cement mixer not an offence—" Healy v. Jordan " (7.L.T., 29th October, 1955). Duty to provide a dust bin—" Peterboro' Corpn. v. Holdick" (H.C.) (S.J., i 4th January, 1956). Duty to report accidents in Road Traffic cases (L.T., gth and i6th September, 1955.) Estate Agent's Commission (S.J., 4th February, 1956). " ' Easement must be capable of forming subject- matter of grant. " Re Ellenborough Park " (C.A.) (S.J., 24th and 3151 December, 1955 and yth January, 1956). Election for Trial by Jury and Committal for Sentence (S.J., 2ist January, 1956). Estate Duty, Conveyancing and Real Property Decisions in 1954-55 (-L.T., i6th, 23rd and 301x1 September and yth October, 1955). Escape of Water " Prosser v. Levy " (C.A.) (S.J., i yth December, 1955). Estate Duty: Non-Aggregation of Life Policies "Walker's Trustees v. I.R.C." (Ch.D.) (L.T., i4th October, 1955). Evidence—Recent Law on Complaints (S.J., 2.6th November, 1955.) Evidence of Spouses in Criminal Cases (S.J., i3th August, 1955). Evidence of Witness Abroad (S.J., loth October,
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