The Gazette 1955-58
The Chairman in moving the adoption of the Annual Report congratulated Mr. Shaw on his election as President. Turning to the Report, he said that income for the year from dividends and investments was up by £12 98. 5d., but annual subscriptions were down by £83 us. 6d. On the other hand life subscriptions, donations and legacies were up by £906 ys. 3d. Grants and annuities paid were less by £393 55. than in 1954 which, however, was a record high year. The drop of £83 us. 6d. in annual subscriptions last year was disappointing and it was not too much to expect every solicitor in the thirty-two Counties (for the Association covers the whole of Ireland) to be a member of the Association. He pointed out that the annual subscription is only -£i is. (fd. a day) or for a solictior admitted less than 3 years half that amount. Mr. Dermot P. Shaw, President of the Incor porated Law Society of Ireland in seconding the resolution said that he echoed the Chairman's remarks in appealing for support from the profession. The profession owed a very deep debt of gratitude to the Directors and if he might single out one man, perhaps he should name the Chairman, for his energy and zeal. He assured the meeting that when given the opportunity of visiting local Associa tions, he would take the opportunity of telling them of the work of the Assocktion. The Report was adopted unanimously. On the motion of Mr. John L. McDowell, seconded by Mr. O. S. Fry, the Metropolitan and Provincial Directors were re-elected. On the proposal of Mr. George G. Ovetend, seconded by Mr. Arthur P. Ardagh, Messrs. Terence de Vere White and H. D. Hurley, were re-elected as honorary auditors. On the proposal of Mr. Scan O'hUadhaigh, a hearty vote of thanks was given to the press. On the motion of Mr. Thomas P. Robinson, the President of the Incorporated Law Society took the Chair and a vote of thanks to the Chairman, Mr. O'Brien, was passed with acclamation. REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR'S COMMITTEE for the period 1st January to 31st December, 1955. THE Committee was set up by resolution of the Council on i3th January, 1955. It was resolved that a committee be appointed pursuant to Section 73 of the Solicitors Act, 1954 entitled the Registrar's Committee consisting of eleven members of the Council excluding members of the Disciplinary
Committee (to be appointed annually with a quorum of five) and that the following functions should be delegated to the Committee. (a) functions of the Society under sections 28 (3), 29.0)' 3 1 . 33. 34> 35, 48, 49> and 5* °f the Solicitors Act, 1954 and under Regulations made under Section 40 (2) (a) and (5) (b) of the Act. (b) Consideration of complaints against solicitors (other than applications to the Disciplinary Committee under section 14 of the Act). (c) The institution of proceedings on behalf of the Society before the Disciplinary Committee. And it was provided that the resolution should be reviewed by the Council in six months time. The functions and powers of the Committee were confirmed by the Bye-Laws of the Council made on znd June, 1955. The Committee considered applications for practising certificates by solicitors in circumstances in which the Council had a discretion to refuse to issue a certificate under section 49 (i) of the Act. All the applications received from solicitors were granted. The Committee considered applications for practising certificates by solicitors on the roll whose principal place of business is in Northern Ireland on the question whether such solicitors are entitled to pay the lower registration fee applicable in the case of provincial solicitors. The Committee reported to the Council that in their opinion a solicitor practising in Northern Ireland who certifies that the Dublin address is for agency purposes only and that he does not intend to practise in the City of Dublin is entitled to pay the lower registration fee. The statutory list of practising solicitors under section 5 3 of the Act was published and circulated to the Taxing Masters, County Registrars, District Court Clerks and to the Bar associations and a circular was issued to all interested persons advising them that solicitors whose names do not appear on the statutory list are not entitled to practise as solicitors. Two applications from apprentices under section 28 (3) for registration as of the date of the indentures notwithstanding that over six months had elapsed were considered and granted. One application from a solicitor for leave to take an apprentice notwithstanding that the solicitor had not at some time been in continuous practice for a period of seven years was considered and granted under section 29 (2) under exceptional circumstances disclosed. Notices were issued to four solicitors under section 49 (i) (g) of the Act notifying them that they had failed to give explanations in respect of
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