The Gazette 1955-58
Folio 92L
County Louth.
Registered Owner as undivided moiety. PATRICK GRANT. The Registered Owner has applied for a Duplicate of the Certificate of Title specified in the Schedule hereto which is stated to have been lost or in advertently destroyed. The Duplicate will be issued unless notification is received in this Registry within 28 days from the date of this Notice that the said Certificate of Title is in the custody of a person not the Registered Owner. Such notification should state the grounds on which the Certificate is retained. Dated this 29th day of August, 1955. JOSEPH O'BYRNE, Registrar of Titles. SCHEDULE. Land Certificate of Patrick Grant to the Leasehold Estate of the Land of Lagavooten with the dwelling- house thereon situate in on the west side of St. Mary's Villas, in the town of Drogheda, Barony of Duleek Lower and County of Louth being the leasehold estate comprised in said Folio. NOTICE. Folio 2784. Registered Owner County Limerick. GARRETT O'ROURKE. The Registered Owner has applied for a Duplicate of the Certificate of Title specified in the schedule hereto which is stated to have been lost or in advertently destroyed. A duplicate Certificate will be issued unless notification is received in this Registry within 28 days from the date of this Notice that the said Certificate of Title is still in existence and in the custody of a person not the Registered Owner. Such notification should state the grounds on which the Certificate is retained. Dated this 28th day of July, 1955. JOSEPH O'BYRNE, Registrar of Titles. SCHEDULE. Land Certificate of Garrett O'Rourke to 593. ir. 38p. of the lands of Baunatlea situate in the Barony of Coshlea and County of Limerick being the lands comprised in said Folio. tenant in common of an
MRS. MARY ANNE LAFFAN (nee O'Donohue or Donohue), married woman, died zoth May, 1908, late of Dromcluher (or Dromclogher), Cappamore, Co. Limerick, and some time of Cappamore. MICHAEL LAFFAN, died 3rd June, 1909, kte of Cappamore aforesaid and some time of Tinateriflfe, Cappamore aforesaid. REVEREND MICHAEL O'DONOHUE .(or O'Donoghue or Donohue), died zjth May, 1929, at Drumcluher aforesaid, and having held Curacies at Ballina, Drombane and Kilcommon, all in the County of Tipperary. MARGARET O'DONOHUE (or O'Donoghue or Donohue). Spinster, died 8th March, 1933, kte of Drumcluher aforesaid. JOHN O'DONOHUE (or O'Donoghue or Donohue), Farmer, died 15th January 1936, late of Drumcluher aforesaid. Will any Solicitor or other person having in his possession, or having any knowledge of a WILL or other testamentary document of the above-named deceased, or any of them, please communicate with : MICHAEL TYNAN & Co., Solicitors, 41, WILLIAM STREET, LIMERICK. SOLICITORS' GOLFING SOCIETY. THE Autumn Meeting will be held at Royal Dublin Golf Club on Thursday, 29th September, 1955, when the following competition will be okyed (Stableford) :— 1. Incorporated Law Society Challenge Cup (handicap limit 18) with prize presented by Mr. T. A. O'Reilly, President of the Law Society and Golfing Society. Prize for the runner-up presented by the Golfing Society. 2. Ryan Cup (handicaps 13 and over) with prize for winner and runner-up. 3. There will also be prizes for (a) First Nine, (b) Second Nine, (c) by competitor resident more than 30 miles away and (d) best of 3 cards drawn by lot. Competitors may arrange opponents and start from 10 a.m. onwards. There will be frequent draws between 2 and 4 o'clock. The Annual General Meeting will be held in the club house at 6.45 p.m., followed by Dinner at 7 o'clock (for competitors and non-competitors) at which the President will preside. Members will be circularised in due course. Intending members will be cordially welcomed. 39
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