The Gazette 1955-58
Continuous Breach of Covenants (S.J., n June, . I955)- Contract accepted by teleprinter : " Entores v. Miles Far East Corpn." (L.T., 2 July, 1955). Contractual or Statutory Tenancy : " Whitmore v. Lambert" (S.J., 25 June, 1955). Contributory Negligence—Reduction of Damages (Payne) (M.L.R., July, 195 5). Damages for breaches of repairing covenants (The Solicitor, July, 195 5). Dangerous and Careless Driving (Hails) (C.L.R., April, 1955). Defence Act, 1954 (J.L.T., 14 and 21 May, 1955). Degree of Care owed to Children (I.L.T., 2 and 9 July, 1955). Diplomatic Immunity (Taylor) (C.L.R., April, I955)- Diplomatic Protection of Nationals Abroad (The Solicitor, July, 1955). Drink—Influence of—In Road Traffic Offences (C.L.R., June, 1955). Driving of Motor Cars-Whose is the Responsibility ? (I.L.T., ii June, 1955). Drunkenness as a Defence (Garner) (C.L.R., June, 1955). Effect of a Criminal Judgment on a Civil Action (Coutts) (M.L.R., May, 1955). Encroachment by Trees—Liability : " McCombe v. Read "(j1./., 25 June, 1955). English Equity and Canon Law (Going) (L,,Q.R,, April, 1955). Essential Validity of Marriage (Sykes) (International & Compar. L..Q., April, 195 5). Equitable Mortgagee's Right to Possession (Wade) (L.Q.R., April, 1955). Evidence excluded by consideration of State interest (Simon) (Camb. L.J., April, 1955). Examination of Witness—Refusal of Order— Discretion of Appellate Court (L..T., May, J955)- Fencing Dangerous Machinery : " Summers v. Frost" (H.L.) (L.T., i April, 1955). Finance Bill (England) 1955 (S.J., 30 April, 195 5). Finger Prints—Infallibility of (Eddy) (C.L.R., January, 1955). Forcible Re-entry after judgment : " Aglionby v. Cohen " (.y./., 16 April, 1955). Forgery by Typewriter (Harrison)—(C.L.R., July, Harbouring a Servant (" Jones v. Stevens ")— Action dismissed by Hallett J. (I.L.T., 4 March, Historic Courts—The Strand (L.T., 5 June, 1955). Hospital—Their Liability for the Negligence of their Staffs (Ir. Jur., 1952, p. 45).
Hospital Authorities—Actions Against (L.T., 20 May, 1955). Husband's Liability for Wife's Income Tax if in Business (S.J., 16 April, 1955). Illegal conditions precedent and legacies of personalty (Delany): " Lynch v. Lombard " (Dixon J.)— (Conveyancer, May-June, 1955). Incapacity greater than total (I.L.T., 19 March, 1955); Immunity in Tort and the Trade Disputes Act (Delany) "Smith v. Beirne"—(Supreme Court)— (M.L.R., July, 1955). Inserting statutory advertisement for debt—Un expected claim: "Re Aldhous" (S.J., 23 April, I955)- Interference with Incorporeal Rights : "-Mason v. Clarke"— (S.J., 4 June, 1955). International Enclaves and State Servitudes (Farran) —(International & Compar. L.Q., April, 1955). Intending Criminals—Police Control of (Glanville Williams) (C.L.R., February and March, 1955). Interpretation of Common Repairing Terms (West) — (The Conveyancer, May-June, 1955). Investment Clauses and the Statute of Westminster— (L.T., 22 April, 1955). " In pari delicto potior est conditio defendentis " (Grodecki) (L.Q.R., April, 1955). Iranian Oil Litigation (O'Connell) (International & Compar. L.£)-, April, 1955). Japanese Constitution—New Aspects (International & Compar. L.Q., April, 1955). Juror related to murdered person—Petition dis missed—" Dick v. R" (P.C.) (L.T., 4 March, I 955)- Jus Tertii and the third man (Jolly)— (M.L.R., July, 1955)- Landlord requires premium as well as rent— Rent Acts : " Woods v. Wise " (S.J., 30 April, T 955)- Law's Delays— (S.J., 21 May, 1955). Landlord and Tenant—Practitioner's Reference Table (Ir, Jur. 1952, 49). Law Society (London)—Annual Report (S.J., 25 June, 1955). Licences—A Jonah's Gourd—Pt. II (Hanbury) (Camb. L.J., April, 195 5). Local Authorities—" Escapes " and " Discharges " (L.T., 18 March, 1955). Maintenance Agreements on Separation (L.T., 17 June, 1955 and S.J., 21 May, 1955). Measure of Compensation in the Compulsory Acquisition of Land (Davies)— (The Conveyancer, May-June, 1955). Millard-Tucker Report on Taxation of Profits and Income (S.J., 18 June, 1955), and (L.T., 24 June,
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