The Gazette 1955-58

notification should state the grounds on which such Certificate is being held. Dated the 7th day of June, 1957. JOSEPH O'BYRNE, Registrar of Titles.

THE REGISTRY Register B. LADY SOLICITOR, University Graduate, seeks position, preferred. Box 8213. Register C. WANTED, Nelson's " Probate Practice in Northern Ireland and Irish Free State " state edition and price expected. Box No. C.I55- PETER O'CAIXAGHAN, late of Carrickastuck, Hackballs- cross, Dundalk, County Louth, Deceased. Any person knowing the whereabouts of a Will of the above deceased who died on I3th May, 1957, or having any information in connection therewith, please communicate with Daniel O'Connell & Son, Solicitors, Dundalk. City REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACTS, 1891 AND 1942 ISSUE OF DUPLICATE LAND CERTIFICATE APPLICATIONS have been received from the registered owners mentioned in the Schedule annexed hereto, for the issue of Cerificates of Title in substitution for the original Certificates issued in respect of the lands specified in the said Schedule, which original Certificates, it is alleged, have been lost or inadvertently destroyed. A duplicate Certificate will be issued in each case, except a case in respect of which notification is received in this Registry within 28 days from the publication of this notice, that the Certificate of Title is still in existence, and in the custody of some person other than the registered owner. Any such

Central Office, Land Registry, Chancery Street, DUBLIN.

SCHEDULE. 1. Registered Owner, Michael Cullen. of Cooleeny West in the Barony of Longford, con taining i6a. 3r. 37p. 2. Registered Owner, Patrick Hurley. Folio Number, 2872, County Cork. Lands of Cloonmore in the Barony of Orrery and Kilmore containing ma. 3r. 32p. 3. Registered Owners, Michael Donohoe and Margaret Donohoe. Folio Number, 4452, County Galway. Lands of Coolwoneen containing loa. 3r. 24p., and lands of Cooloo containing 323. 3r. 32p. both situate in the Barony of Tiaquin. LABOURERS' ACTS. TAXATION OF COSTS THE Minister for Local Government has made an order appointing Mrs. Moya Quinlan, Solicitor, 15 Parnell Square, Dublin, as the officer to tax costs under the above acts to 3151 March, 1957. Folio Number, 377, County Galway. Lands

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