The Gazette 1955-58

Enforcement of Court Orders Acts. Scales of Costs. THE Council were asked to make an application to the District Court Rules Committee for rules prescribing scales of costs under the above Acts. From enquiries made it was ascertained that the majority of Bar Associations would not favour such rules having regard to the fact that satisfactory although non-statutory scales have been adopted by various District Justices. On a report from a Committee it was decided to take no action. COMMISSION ON INCOME TAXATION THE Commission was set up by the Government on 18th February 1957 and its terms of reference are as follows :— To enquire generally into the present system of taxation of profits and income, its scope and structure, including the provisions for collection and the prevention of evasion ; its effects on the national economy and the equity of its incidence; to recommend such amendments of the law as appear desirable and practicable ; and if it is con sidered that the taxation of profits and income should be terminated or modified in any manner involving loss of revenue to recommend alterna tive means of raising equivalent revenue. The Council intend to submit a memorandum of evidence. The views of members are wanted on the following matters:— (1) Proposals to substitute an alternative system of taxation for the present income tax. (2) Any respects in which the present method of assessment and collection of the present income tax has an unfair incidence on (a) particular classes of taxpayers or (&) solicitors. (}) Suggestions for improving the present method of assessment and collection of income tax. Suggestions should be sent to the Secretary. ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING A GENERAL Meeting of the Society was held in the Society's Library on Thursday 9th May, 1957. The President Mr. Niall S. Gaffney took the Chair. The notice convening the meeting, was, by permis sion of the meeting, taken as read. The Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting held on zznd November, 1956, were read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman. The Chairman announced that he nominated the follow ing members of the Society to act as Scrutineers of the Ballot for election of the Council to be held

decided to send a case to senior counsel for his opinion. MAY 9TH : : The President in the Chair. Also present: Dermot P. Shaw, Desmond J. Collins, Henry St. J. Blake, F. X. Burke, John R. Halpin, R. McD. Taylor, James R. Quirke, Louis Walsh, C. E. Callan, Arthur Cox, Derrick M. Martin, F. J. Lanigan, George A. Nolan, Joseph P. Tyrrell, Charles J. Downing, Ralph J. Walker, Terence de Vere White, Francis J. Gearty, John B. Jermyn, Peter E. O'Connell, John Maher, Reginald J. Nolan, George G. Overend, Cornelius J. Daly, John J. Sheil, Scan 6' hUadhaigh, John J. Nash, Thomas A. O'Reilly. The following was among the business transacted. New Schedule II. IT was decided that the Secretary should write to the Chief Justice's secretary asking his Lordship to convene a meeting of the Statutory Committee under the Solicitors' Remuneration Act 1881 to consider the proposals of the Society for the new Schedule II in substitution for the present item charges. Affidavits as to Foreign Law. THE Secretary stated that following correspondence with the Incorporated Law Society of Northern Ireland he had ascertained that the Probate Officer here will accept an affidavit as to the law in Northern Ireland made by a Northern Ireland solicitor not connected with the proceedings in question and that the Northern Ireland Probate Registry will likewise accept affidavits made by solicitors practising in the Republic. Entries in Directories. A SOLICITOR who is a member of a Chamber of Commerce asked whether it would be in accordance with professional practice to publish an entry in the trade directory of the Chamber of Commerce including his name, professional address and descrip tion and directorships held. On a report from the Committee the Council stated that any entry made by a solicitor in such a directory should conform with the following conditions : (a) Member's, name, professional address and description should be published without any reference to directorships. (b) Alternatively his private address and director ship, should be given without reference to his professional occupation.

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