The Gazette 1955-58
attention of the Court partly at their own expense. Mr. Justice Danckwerts had .gone as far as he could to indemnify the successful party and punish the contemnor in the absence of inflicting a fine by awarding solicitor and client costs. But the order had to be dealt with on the basis of the Chancery Rules as considered and interpreted by the Court of Appeal in Giles v, Randall (1915) I.K.B. 290. ((1957)2. W.L.R. 867). LEGAL APPOINTMENTS. MR. PATRICK F. O'REILLY, Solicitor, 8 South Great George's Street, Dublin, has been appointed to succeed Mr. H. B. O'Hanlon, who has retired, as Taxing Master in the High Court. Mr. John Shee, Solicitor, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary has been appointed State Solicitor for Co. Tipperary —South Riding. MOTOR INSURERS BUREAU COPIES of the agreement between the Minister for Local Government and the motor insurers Bureau may be obtained from the Government Publications Office. Price j^d. post free. Under the agreement the Bureau representing the insurance companies undertakes to provide compensation to persons who are injured as the result of negligence by uninsured motorists. COMPANIES CONSOLIDATION ACTS, 1908-1917. MESSRS. Aubenal Publishers. 14 Lr. Baggot Street, Dublin have re-printed the Companies Acts with side notes. The retail price is i6/- per copy. The publication consists of 144 pages and comprises the Companies Consolidation Act 1908 with six schedules thereto, The Company's Act 1913, the Companies (Foreign Interests) Act, 1917, The Com pany's (Particulars as to Directors) Act 1917. We understand that there has been a heavy demand for this publication and that further copies will be available at i6/- each by mid-April. THE REGISTRY. Register A YOUNG Solicitor required for provincial town, near city, good prospects. Please give full particulars of experience, education, examinations, to Box Ai6j.
Register C. WILLIAM McKEOWN, late of 25 Penrose St., South Letts Road, Dublin deed. Any person knowing of the whereabouts of a will of the above deceased, who died on loth March 1957, or having any information in connection therewith, please communicate with Richard F. Gallagher, Solicitor, 14 Ely .Place, Dublin. REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACTS, 1891 AND 1942 FOLIO 907 NOTICE COUNTY KERRY Registered Owner : MICHAEL HANLON (Junior) The Registered Owner has applied for a Duplicate of the Certificate of Title specified in the Schedule hereto which is stated to have been lost or in advertently destroyed. The Duplicate will be issued unless notification is received in this Registry within 28 days from the date of this Notice that the said Certificate of Title is in the custody of a person not the Registered Owner. Such notification should state the grounds on which the Certificate is retained. Dated this 28th day of April, 1957. SCHEDULE. Land Certificate of Michael Hanlon (Junior) to 24a. Ir. z6p. of the lands of Ashhill situate in the Barony of Truchanacmy and County of Kerry being the lands comprised in said Folio. OBITUARY. MR. CHARLES M. BARRY, Solicitor died in March 1957- Mr. Barry was admitted in Hilary Sittings 1889 and practised at Cashel as senior partner in the firm of Messrs. Charles M. Barry & Son. Mr. John Blood-Smyth, Solicitor died at his residence Lucerne, Castle Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin. Mr. Blood-Smyth served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. William Smyth, 29 Lr. Gardiner Street, Dublin, was admitted in Hilary Sittings 1904 and practised at 29 Lr. Gardiner Street, Dublin as senior partner in the firm of Messrs. William Smyth & Son. JOSEPH O'BYRNE, Registrar of Titles
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