The Gazette 1955-58
of Property (1904); English and Empire Digest— Third Cumulative Supplement (1956) ; English and Empire Digest— Replacement Volume 14—Criminal Law; Everyman's Own Lawyer (1903). Farrer— Precedents of Conditions of Sale (1909) ; Foote— Private International Jurisprudence (1890); Fraser— Law of Torts (1904); Friedmann— Legal Theory (1949); Graveson— Conflict of Laws (1948). Halsbury— Laws of England, 3rd Edn. ; Volume 14— Elections, Electricity and Equity, 1956; Volume 15— Estate Duty, Estoppel and Evidence, 1956 ; Volume 16— Execution, Executors and Administrators, Explosives and Extradition (1956); Volume 17— Factories and Shops to Fraudulent and Voidable Con veyances (1956); Hanson on Death Duties, loth Edn. (1956) with Supplement (1957) ; Hill and Redman— Law of Landlord and Tenant, izth Edn. (1956) ; Holland— Elements of jurisprudence (1910) ; Hood and Challis— Conveyancing, Settled Land and Trustee Acts (i 909); Ireland— Estimates for Public Services, T 956-57, and J 957~58 ; Ireland— Index to the Statutes from 1922 to 1953 (1956); Irish Catholic Directory, 1957; Jethro-Brown— Austinian Theory of Law (1926) ; Jones— Practical forms in Solicitor's Offices, Vol. II (1908). Keating— Law of Building Contracts (1956); Keeton— Introduction to Equity, 4th Edn. (1956) with Irish Supplement by Sheridan; Kelly— Conveyancing Draftsman, xoth Edn. (1956) ; Kemp and Kemp— The Quantum of Damages in Fatal Injury Claims (1956) with Supplement (1957); Law List, 1956; Law Reports Digest, 1911, 1913 to 1926 (15 Vols.) ; Lidbetter— Law of Maintenance and Desertion (1934) ; Lisle— Forms and Precedents for Use of Accountants, 2 Vols. (1907); McCarthy— Leading Cases in Land Purchase Law (1892) ; MacDonnell and Manson— Great Jurists of the World from Gains to Jhering (1913); McDevitt— Land Law Act 1881 explained (1881) ; Megarry— Law of Real Property, 2nd Edn. (1955); Milier-Maxwell— Irish Probate Practice (1900); Moeller— Voluntary Cove nants in Restraint of Trade (1925) ; Monroe— Law of Stamp Duties, 2nd Edn. (1956); Morgan-Evans— Theories and Criticisms of Sir Henry Mayne (1896) ; Morris and Barton-Leach— The Rule against Per petuities (1955). New York Bar Association— Opinions of the Committee on Professional Ethics (1956) ; Nokes— Introduction to Evidence— 2nd Edn. (1956) ; Northern Ireland— Chronological Table of Statutes to December 1954-1956 ; Northern Ireland— Statutes Revisedfrom 1226 to 1950, 16 Vols., 1956; Occupation of Land in Ireland— Digest of Evidence on the Law, Part II, (1848) ; Ortolan— History of Roman Law, 2nd Edn. 85
directed to pay the hearing fee of the Lands Tribunal in the first instance, he should be treated as paying it on behalf of the contestants and the question of the ultimate liability for its payment should rest with, and be specifically dealt with by, the Lands Tribunal in accordance with the language of section 3 (5) of the Lands Tribunal Act, 1949. The tribunal should say by whom and in what proportion it should be paid. (Wootton v. Central Land Board—(1957) : - W.L.R. 424.) Alpe— Law of Stamp Duties, 24th Edn., 1956 ; Archbold— Criminal "Pleading and "Practice, 33rd Edn,. Cumulative Supplements ; Atkin (Lord), Chairman — Report of Royal Commission on Legal Education, 1934; Black and O'Leary— Town Tenants (Ireland) Act, 1906 ; Board of Inland Revenue— Income Taxes outside the Commonwealth— Pt. I, U.S.A.— Pt. II—Republic of Ireland, 1956; British Public General Acts of 1955; British Catholic Directory, 1957; Brown (J.)— Planning Appeals to Minister for Local Government, 1951; Bryant— Liberty, Order and Law under Native Irish Rule 1923 ; Burton— How to appeal against Tax Assessments. Campion and Lidderdale— European Parliamentary Procedure, 1953; Central Bank Report to March, 1956; Charlesworth— Law of Negligence, 3rd Edn., 1956; Challis— Law of Real Property (1911) with Irish Supplement by Sheridan, (1956); Cheshire and Fifoot— Law of Contracts, 4th Edn., 1956 ; Chitty— Law of Mercantile Contracts, 1955 ; Chitty— Queen's Bench Forms, i8th Edn., 1956 ; Coghlan— Law of Kent Restrictions, 1950 (Another Copy) ; Common wealth and Empire Law Conference— London, July 1955, Proceedings, (1956); Conway— Problems in Canon Law, 1956; Cowen and Carter— Essays on the Law of Evidence, 1956; Cross and Jones— Introduction to Criminal Law —3rd Edn., 1954. Davies— Report of House of Commons Select Com mittee on Delegated Legislation (1953) ; Davies— Law of Burial, Cremation and Exhumation, (1956) ; Davies — Law of Distress for Rent (1931); Delany— Law of Charities in Ireland (1955); De Moleyn— Land owners Practical Guide; Despatch of Business at Common Law— Report of Peel Commission, 1934-36 ; Devlin, Trial by jury (1956) ; Drummond and Smith— Practice of the Supreme Court (Ireland) (1889) ; Earengey— Law of Hire Purchase (1938) ; Edge— forms of Leases in Ireland (1875) ; Edwards— Law LIBRARY ACQUISITIONS as compiled to ist March, 1957. BOOKS PURCHASED
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