The Gazette 1955-58

VISIT OF MEMBERS OF THE AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION. THE American Bar Association will hold part of their annual meeting in London in July next. A number of members of the Association have ex pressed the wish to visit Dublin and the Society in conjunction with the Society of the King's Inns and the Bar Council have made arrangements to entertain them. It is expected that a party of about 200 will visit Dublin. Arrangements are on foot to hold a reception in the Round Hall of the Four Courts on August ist, at which the Benchers, the Bar Council and the Society will be hosts to the visitors. Further information, including price of tickets, will be given in due course. Members who wish to extend private hospitality to the guests are invited to write to the Secretary. LAND BOND ORDER, 1956. IT is regretted that through a printer's error it was stated in the February Gazette on page 70 that j|% Land Bonds would be issued for purchase money in respect of the period from i st December, 1955 to 3ist December 1957. The words " ist December, 1955" should have read " ist December, 1956." SOLICITORS' GOLFING SOCIETY THE Captain's (Mr. J. C. Griffin's) Prize; The Golfing Society's Challenge Cup ; The Veterans Challenge Cup ; the St. Patrick's Plate and other Prizes will be competed for at the Spiring Meeting of the above Society to be held after Easter. The date, venue and full details will be circularised to members in due course as usual. New members will be warmly welcomed. Enquiries to : Gerard M. Doyle, Honorary Secretary, 50 Lower O'Connell Street, Dublin.

STANDARD FORM OF PERSONAL UNDERTAKING. THE standard form of personal undertaking approved by the Council is printed at page 609 of the 1957 edition of the Society's Calendar and Law Director}'. SEANAD ELECTION SENATOR ARTHUR Cox is the Society's nominee for election on the Cultural and Educational Panel. Other solicitors standing for election are :— Senator Louis Walsh, Administrative Panel. Mr. Jarlath O'Connell, Mr. John N. Ross, Constituency of the University of Dublin. MR. P. F. O'REILLY THE Council passed the following resolution :— RESOLVED THAT the Council hereby extend their congratulations to Mr. Patrick F. O'Reilly on his appointment as a Taxing Master of the High Court, while accepting with regret his resignation from the Council on which he has rendered distinguished service to the profession since his election in November, 1933. Mr. O'Reilly served as Vice-President for the year 1937-1958 and President in 1944-1945. At the General Election in August 1951, he was elected as a member of Seanad Eireann on the Society's nomination to the Cultural and Educational Panel. DECISIONS OF PROFESSIONAL INTEREST. Conviction of Assault. Conduct Unbefitting a Solicitor THE Divisional Court (the Lord Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Hilbery, and Mr. Justice Ashworth) allowed an appeal by a solicitor by varying an order


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