The Gazette 1955-58
fee under paragraph 6 of S.R.G.O. 1884. The view of the Council as expressed in the Society's Gazette for March, 1955 at page 74 is that since the rescission of Rule n, Schedule i, Part I, S.R.G.O. 1884, the solicitor for the owner or authority is entitled to elect for detailed charges before undertaking any business. On a report from a Committee the case was submitted to senior counsel for his opinion. Costs of loans under the Small Dwellings' Acts and of sales to tenant-purchasers by local authorities. THE Council considered the decisions taken at the resumed ordinary general meeting of the Society on June ist., and appointed a deputation to seek an interview with the Minister for Local Government. The ordinary general meeting of the Society summoned for Thursday, I2th May 1955 and ad– journed was resumed on Wednesday, ist June 1955, the President in the Chair. The President announced that the matters discussed on May i2th., had since been fully considered at a meeting between a Com– mittee of the Council and solicitors who act for local authorities and that agreement had been reached between the Committee and the solicitors interested on the steps which should be taken. By permission of the meeting the resolutions on the agenda with the notice convening the meeting for May izth were withdrawn and the following resolutions were substituted. Proposed by Mr. Scan O hUadhaigh, seconded by Mr. Patrick Noonan: That in the case of loans by local authorities under the Small Dwellings (Acquisition) Acts to occupiers or intending occupiers to secure advances for the purpose of the purchase or erection of houses the Society approves of the following scale of charges by solicitors for mortgagees (other than a whole- time salaried solicitor acting exclusively for a local authority) (a) in all cases a commission scale of 2 per cent, on the amount of the loan whether or not the title has been registered under the Registra– tion of Title Act, 1891 and whether or not the equity note has been discharged provided that: (£) if there is a common root of title the fee shall be 2 per cent, on the amount of the loan in ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY. ,
the first mortgage and ij- per cent, on the amount of in each subsequent mort– gage on the same title. The resolution was put to the meeting by the Chairman and unanimously passed. Proposed by Mr. Sean O hUadhaigh, seconded by Mr. Patrick Noonan : That in the case of sales by local authorities of houses to occupying tenant-purchasers under the provisions of the Housing Act, 1919, the Housing of the Working Classes Acts, and the Labourers' Acts, as extended by sections 31 and 35 of the Housing Acts, 1952 and similar legislation, whether by way of conveyance, assignment, or lease, the Society approves of the adoption of a scale of costs of i J per cent, on the amount of the fine or purchase money whether payable in a lump sum or by instal- ' ments with a minimum fee of £10, to include the work of the solicitor for the local authority in connection with the conveyance, assignment, or lease, and a fee of i^ per cent, as the costs of the solicitor acting for the purchaser or lessee, to include the costs of perusing and completing the conveyance, assignment or lease, calculated on the amount of the fine or purchase money whether payable in a lump sum or by instalments with a minimum fee of £10, provided that in all cases an additional fee of 2 guineas shall be chargeable if there is a separate mortgage or other document to secure or guarantee any moneys payable by the purchaser or lessee. The resolution was put to the meeting by the SOLICITORS' GOLFING SOCIETY THE Summer Meeting was held at Baltray on Saturday, June 4th. Notwithstanding a downpour of rain in the morning there was a good attendance. The results of the competitions were as follows : Society's Challenge Cup with Captain's Prize : W. A. Menton (13) Milltown, (i up). Runner-up : J. R. Downes (18) Mullingar, (5 down). Veteran's Challenge Cup: D. J. Collins (9) Foxrock, (7 down). St. Patrick's Plate (Handicaps 12 and under) : L. K. Branigan (n) Foxrock, (5 down) (won on last 3 holes against D. P. Shaw, E. F. English, J. P. Feran and M. T. Neary 5 down each). First nine, M. T. Neary (8 Milltown) all square. Second nine, J. J. O'Connor (18 Thurles) (2 down). Special prize, M. S. Matthews (8 Baltray). Runners-up, T. A. O'Reilly (i 5 Royal Dublin) ; Chairman and passed unanimously. The proceedings then terminated.
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