The Gazette 1955-58
day of hearing at a trial at £i by item 193. Item 193 A amends this by adding the following words :— " and such further reasonable sum as the Taxing Master may allow having regard to the nature and importance of the case, not to exceed with Item 193— £j -JS. od." This order may be obtained from the Government Publications Sales Office, G.P.O. Arcade, Dublin- Price 4d. DISTRICT COURT (NEW AREAS) ORDER 1957 (VARIATION No.172) 8/1957 The effect of this Order is to fix the dates for sittings of some of the District Courts in County Dublin in each month for civil and summary jurisdiction after ist Feruary as follows :— 1. Kilmainham Civil Second and Third Tuesday and Second and Fourth Wednesday ... ... n a.m. 2. Swords—Civil and Summary First and Third Tuesday ... ... n a.m. 3. Drumcondra—Summary (held in Kilmainham) First and Third Thursday and Fourth Tuesday ... ... ... ... n a.m. 4. Howth Summary First and Third Monday ... ... n a.m. 5. Kilmainham—Summary First Tuesday ... ... ... n a.m. 6. Lucan—Summary Second and Fourth Monday ... n a.m. 7. Kilcock, Co. Kildare—Civil and Summary Third Thursday ... ... ... n a.m. 8. Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath—Civil and Summary Third Wednesday ... ... ... n a.m. SOLICITORS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. THE 93rd Annual General Meeting was held on 25th January 1957 in Solicitors' Buildings. The Chairman, Mr. R. A. O'Brien in moving the adop tion of the Report having referred to the number of supplementary grants made on account of the high cost of living totalling £945 and to the annuities totalling £793 ios. 6d. paid during the year, stated these figures justified the existence of the Associa tion. He appealed to members of the profession —both North and South—to become members of the Association in order that adequate relief be given. The Chairman also referred to the over crowding of the profession which must lead to a lowering of professional standards. The President seconded the adoption of the Report which was passed unanimously.
It was mentioned that the former Secretary, Mr. Patrick Glynn, had resigned in the course of the year and had been co-opted to the Board. He had been succeeded as Secretary by Mr. Eunan McCarron. DUBLIN SOLICITORS' BAR ASSOCIATION A MEETING of the Council of the Association was held on Wednesday, the 6th of February, 1957. The Council expressed wholehearted support for the Law Society's attitude towards costs drawers' fees, and also drew attention to the unfairness of costs in Land Commission cases being paid in Land Bonds,in particular as regards outlays which the solicitor has to bear in cash. A draft scale of costs for proceedings under the Enforcement of Court Orders Acts has been prepared, and has been submitted to the Law Society, and to the Chief Clerk of the Dublin Metropolitan District Court. The rearrangements which the Minister for Justice has made in respect of the Dublin County District Courts will it is hoped lead to a marked improvement in the position there, and are attributed by the Association to its representations to the Minister. Thanks are due to an able and hardworking Sub- Committee on this matter. Arrangements have also been made as far as possible to assimilate the practice of the Dublin County District Courts in enforcement matters with the Metropolitan Court. A final Draft Letting Agreement has been pre pared, and will shortly be circulated to members of the association for their assistance. Suggestions have been made to the Minister for Justice for the improvement of the system of taking depositions in the District Court with a view to preserving the essentials of the present system, and effecting a considerable saving of time. Subscriptions for the current year are due, and any member who has not yet paid is requested to do so, and so simplify the work of the Honorary Treasurer. The next meeting of the Council of the association was fixed for the 6th of March, 1957. CO. GALWAY SOLICITORS' BAR ASSOCIATION. Officers and Council for 1957 President: JAMES P. GLYNN Vice-Pres. : WILLIAM B. GALVIN Hon. Treasurer: WILLIAM B. ALLEN Hon. Secretary:. SEAN F. MACGIOLLARNATH .
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