The Gazette 1955-58
Signed by President'' I7th July, 1956 17th July, 1956 i8th July, 1956 24th July, 1956 24th July, 1956 2jth July, 1956 3rd August, 1956
No. 26. Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act, 1956 27. Prisoners of War and Enemy Aliens Act, 1956 28. Fisheries (Statute Law Revision) Act, 1956 29. Local Loans Fund (Amendment) Act, 1956 30. Sea Fisheries (Amendment) Act, 1956 31. Housing (Amendment) Act, 1956 32. Appropriation Act, 1956 3 3. Restrictive Trade Practices (Motor Cars) (Confirmation of Order No. 3) Act, 1956 34. Imposition of Duties (Confirma tion of Order) (No. 2) Act, 1956 35. Local Government (Temporary Reduction of Valuation) Act, 1956 36. Imposition of Duties (Confirma tion of Orders) (No. 3) Act, 1956 37. Pigs and Bacon (Amendment) Act, 1956 38. Superannuation Act, 1956 39. Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) (Amendment) Act, 1956 40. Flour and Wheatenmeal Act, 1956 41. Animal Remedies Act, 1956 42. Milk and Dairies (Amendment) Act, 1956 43. Rent Restrictions (Continuance and Amendment) Act, 1956 44. Pensions (Increase) Act, 1956 45. Civil Service Commissioners Act, 1956 46. Civil Service Regulation Act, 1956 47. Finance (Miscellaneous Provi sions) Act, 1956 48. Industrial Grants Act, 1956
forth the minimum fee payable upon every memorial registered, if not exceeding 7 folios, is z8/- instead of ij/- as formerly. The fee payable for a common search for each different name is -jj- for the first 10 years, and j/- for every additional 10 years. The fee payable upon a Negative Search for each name on the Index of Names or for each denomination on the Index of Lands is \^\- per period of 10 years. The fee for a public general search without limitation per day is io/-, while 5/- is chargeable if such general search does not exceed a period of io years. The fee for a copy of a memorial is i/- per folio, with a minimum of 3/-. This Order can be obtained from the Government Publications Sales Office, G.P.O. Arcade, Dublin— price yd. STATUTES OF THE OIREACHTAS, 1956. No. 1. Control of Exports (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1956 2. Gaming and Lotteries Act, 1956 3. Fatal Injuries Act, 1956 4. Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1956 5. Agricultural Produce (Cereals) (Amendment) Act, 1956 Signed by President gth February, 1956 i4th February, 1956 I4th February, 1956 2ist February, 1956 aist February, 1956 27th February, 1956 2ist March, 1956 6. Forestry Act, 1956 7. Customs Act, 1956
8th August, 1956 8th August, 1956
I4th November, 1956 I4th November, 1956 I4th November, 1956 27th November, 1956 27th November, 1956 4th December, 1956 12th December, 1956 I2th December, 1956 i8th December, 1956 18th December, 1956 igth December, 1956 19th December, 1956 27th December, 1956 27th December, 1956
8. Finance (Profits of Certain Mines) (Temporary Relief from Taxation) Act, 1956 9. Prisons Act, 1956 10. Local Government (Superannua tion) Act, 1956 11. Supplies and Services (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1946 (Continua tion) Act, 1956 12. Central Fund Act, 1956 13. Road Transport Act, 1956 14. Imposition of Duties (Confirma tion of Orders) Act, 1956 15. Restrictive Trade Practices (Radios) (Confirmation of Order) Act, 1956 16. Restrictive Trade Practices (Building Materials) (Confirma tion of Order No. 2) Act, 1956 17. Opticians Act, 1956 18. Rates on Agricultural Land (Relief) Act, 1956 19. Seeds and Fertilisers Supply Act, 1956 20. Tea (Importation and Distribu tion) Act, 1956 21. Ministers and Secretaries (Amend ment) Act, 1956 22. Finance Act, 1956 23. Telephone Capital Act, 1956 24. Social Welfare (Amendment) Act, 1956 25. Oil Pollution of the Sea Act, 1956
2ist March, 1956 2ist March, 1956 2?th March, 1956 27th March, 1956 28th March, 1956. 26th April, 1956 26th April, 1956 26th April, 1956 9th May, 1956 22nd May, 1956 22nd May, 1956 29th May, 1956 5th June, 1956 loth July, 1956 nth July, 1956 nth July, 1956 17th July, 1956 26th April, 1956
PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE. SIR, Last Summer an appeal was published in this JOURNAL asking solicitors to deposit in this office any documents not currently needed, which might serve as substitutes for material destroyed in the catastrophe of 1922, in particular original probates and official copies of testamentary documents. I now wish to thank, through the medium of your columns, those solicitors who have since then added to our collections by making presentations of this kind, or by lending documents for copying. In particular I wish to thank Mr. T. Maguire, of Messrs. Michael Larkin & Co., for an extensive collection of probates and other testamentary material numbering over three hundred items and Messrs. McKeever & Son, Mr. A. McMorrow, Messrs. E. F. Collins and Son, Messrs. Collis & Ward and Messrs. T. W. Hardman & Sons, for other presentations of testamentary material. I wish also to acknowledge loans of documents for copying
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