The Gazette 1955-58
Part I.—Ann M. A. Burke, B.A., William J. B. Fallon, John B. Lawson, B.A., LL.B., Desmond J. Mackey, Brian W. Russell, Terence M. Williams, B.A., Desmond P. Windle, B.A. Part II.— Alphonsus Grogan, William D. J. Hodgins, Iseult C. Kennedy, Donal M. King, Michael Reynolds, Scan Cormac Rynne, Andrew F. Smyth. THE REGISTRY. REGISTER A THE proprietor of a long established business—predominantly commercial—would be interested in contacting others with a view to an amalgamation. Box Ai65. REGISTER B. SOLICITOR, 9 years' experience—probate, conveyancing, desires assistantship with prospects, partnership considered. Box 8206. REGISTER C. FOR SALE : Halsbury and British Empire Set. Further particulars. Box €149. FOR SALE : English and Empire Digest, complete 48 volumes and supplement, thin paper. Two sets (thick and thin) Hals- bury's Laws of England (ist Edition), complete with supple ment. Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents with Irish Volume. Irish Statutes (except 1923) also varied text-books. Complete contents of offices also available. H. Tarlo, 19 Eustace Street, Dublin. LEGAL NOTICE. CAMPBELL ESTATE Lands of the Burrow of Portmarnock containing 9 acres formerly in the possession of David McCarthy, Esq., and now in the occupation of Dublin County Council. Will any person having information as to the whereabouts of the undermentioned original Deeds, believed to have been in the possession of Charles Denroche, Solicitor, late of 32, Nassau Street, Dublin, who died about 1952, please communicate with the undersigned Solicitor to Dublin County Council: i. Original Conveyance dated 8th February, 1806, Sir John Lees & others to the Reverend George Vesey. Original Assignment dated 6th March, 1813, Revd. George Vesey to Revd. Henry Murray. Original Grant of Probate of the Will of Rev. Henry Murray deceased. 2.
4. Original Disentailing Deed dated loth August, 1906, Colin Frederick Murray Campbell to John Martin Ross Todd. 5. Original Probate of Colin Frederick Murray deceased dated ist July, 1932. 6. Original Probate of Charles C. I. Campbell deceased dated i6th June, 1949. Dated this 2yth day of September, 1956. Signed : MATTHEW PURCELL, County Solicitor, 31, North Frederick Street, Dublin. REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACTS, 1891 and 1942 ISSUE OF DUPLICATE LAND CERTIFICATE APPLICATIONS have been received from the registered owners mentioned in the Schedule annexed hereto, for the issue of Certificates of Title in substitution for the original Certificates issued in respect of the lands specified in the said Schedule, which original Certificates, it is alleged, have been lost or in advertently destroyed. A duplicate Certificate will be issued in each case, except a case in respect of which notification is received in this Registry within 28 days from the publication of this notice, that the Certificate of Title is still in existence, and in the custody of some person other than the registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which such Certificate is being held. . Dated the z8th day of November, 1956.
JOSEPH O'BYRNE, Registrar of Titles.
Central Office, Land Registry, Chancery Street, Dublin.
SCHEDULE. 1. Registered Owner Thomas Russell, Folio Number 3285. County Clare. Lands of Affick in the Barony of Tulla Upper containing 33. 31% i8p. 2. Registered Owners Piercy Flynn and Hannah Flynn, Folio number 1004. County Water- ford. Lands of Carrigcastle in the Barony of Decies without Drum containing 363. or. 33P-
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