The Gazette 1955-58
Wool and Worsted Tissues—Duty revoked—67/1956. .Woven Textile Fabrics for Curtains or Upholstering—igy/ 1956. EDUCATION SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS. Secondary Teachers Superannuation (Amendment) Scheme, 1956—153/1956. EMPLOYMENT REGULATION AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT. SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS. Aerated Waters Joint Labour Committee, previously a Trade Board established by S. R. & O. 45/1933, now re-establish ed under Industrial Relations Act, 1946—158/1956. Aerated Waters Joint Labour Committee Employment Regulation—zy/195 6. Boot and Shoe Repairing Joint Labour Committee—Employ ment Regulation—138/1956. Furniture Trade (Dublin) Apprenticeship Committee— Confirmation of Rules—50/1956. Handkerchief and Household Piece Goods Joint Labour Committee Employment Regulation—28/1956. House Painting and Decoration Trade Apprenticeship Com mittee—Confirmation of Rules—127/1956. Industrial Relations Act, 1946—Meaning -of " Worker " in Part VI extended to manual Workers employed by Local Authority—92/1956. Packing Joint Labour Committee—Employment Regulation for Female Workers—137/1956. Shirtmaking Joint Labour Committee Employment Regula tions—105/1956. Sugar Confectionary and Food Preserving Joint Labour Committee Employment Regulation—195/1956. Tobacco Joint Labour Committee Employment Regulation —144/1956. Women's Clothing and Millinery Joint Labour Committee Employment Regulation—9/1956. FACTORIES SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS. Dangerous Machines (Training and Supervision of Persons) Regulations—164/1956. Doctor to send Minister Notice of cases of Poisoning of Toxic Anaemia—170/1956. Factories Act, 1955 in force from 1st October, 1956—i6o'i956. Factories Act, 1955 (Modifications relating to Building Operations, Engineering Works, ect.) Regulations— 163/1956. Factories Act, 1955 (Prescribed Form of General Register) Regulations—177/1956. Factories (Act, 1955 (Abstracts of Act to be posted up) Reg ulations—176/1956. Factories Act, 1955 (Extension of Section 74 to Dangerous Occurrences) Regulations—169/1956. Factories Act, 1955 (Application of Section 76 to certain Diseases) Regulations—170/1956. Factories (Home Work—Bead Ornaments) Regulations— 167/1956. Factories (Certificates of Fitness, of Young Persons) Reg ulations—165/1956. Factories (Sanitary Accommodation) Regulations—171/1956. Factories (Protection of Eyes by Goggles) Regulations— 172/1956.
Factories (Operations at Unfenced Machinery) Regulations —173/1956. Factories (Preparation of Steam Boilers for Examination) Regulations—174/1956. Factories (Cleanliness of Walls and Ceilings)—175/1956. Factories (Notification of Accidents) Regulations—180/1956. Factories (Notification of Industrial Diseases) Regulations —181/1956. Factories (Report of Examination of Hoists and Lifts) Reg ulations—182/1956. Factories (Report of Examination of Steam Boiler) Regulations —182/1956. Home Work Order, 1911 (Variation)—168/1956. Factories (Report of Examination of Steam Receivers) Reg ulations—184/1956. Factories (Report of Examination of Air Receivers) Reg ulations—185/1956. Factories (Report of Examination of Gas Holder) Regulations —186/1956. Factories Act, 1955—If Building Operations carried on, Regulations as chains, ropes, cranes and Lifting Machines postponed to ist January, 1958—162/1956. Hoist, Lifts and Gates, if Driven by Water Power, not subject to Regulations until ist October, 1957—1615/1596 First Aid in Factories Regulations—166/1956. Pneum oconiosis due to Inhalation in Coal Mining added as notifiable Industrial Disease under Workmen's Com pensation Act, 1934—60/1956. Register of Chains, Ropes and Lifting Tackle Regulations— 178/1956. Register of Examinations of Cranes and other Lifting Machines —179/1956. Transmission Machinery, if driven by Water Power, not subject to Regulations until ist October, 1957—161/1956. Written Notice to be sent to Minister in the event of the collapse of a crane, or of explosion or fire causing damage to factory structure—169/1956. FINANCE AND CENTRAL GOVERNMENT SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS. Death Duties (Payment in Bonds of 5 per cent. National Savings Bonds, I97i-'8i Regulations)—155/1956. Gaeltacht Department set up from 2nd July, 1956—152/1956. 5 per cent. National Saving Bonds, I97i-'8i—Condition under which bonds may be accepted in Payment if Estate Duty—155/1956. Land Purchase (Finance) Rules—83/1956. Limit of amount due 'by a Public Department in respect of a deceased Civil Servant for Pay or Superannuation without Probate increased from £100 to £500—205/1956. Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 1956 establishing Department for Gaeltacht in force from 2nd July, 1956— 152/1956. Relief of Double Taxation (Taxes on Income—Ireland— U.S.A.) Regulations amending Regulations of 1951)— 87/1956. Savings Certificates (Sixth Issue) Rules—101/1956. Superannuation Act, 1887 (Section 8) Regulations—205/1956. HARBOURS AND HYDRO-ELECTRIC WORKS. SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS. Cork Harbour Works—198/1956. Rosslare Harbour Rate—59/1956. Tralee and Fenit Harbour Rates—208/1956. Westport Harbour Rates—Fertilisers charged at 1/3 per ton— 209/1956. 34
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