The Gazette 1955-58
January-February, 1956). Untimely Performances in the Law of Contract (Stoljar) (L.g.R., October, 1955). Trade Union Congress Machinery for Disputes between Unions (Bonfield) (Brit. Jotirn. Admin. Law, September, 1955)- Trade Unions and Other Members (Thomas (Camb. L.J., April, 1956). INDEX OF STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS, published since February, 1956. AGRICULTURE, LANDS AND FISHERIES. SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS. Agricultural Credit Act, 1947—Forms for Registration of Chattel. Mortgage and for Sheriff. Execution Order—42/1956. Agricultural Wages (Minimum Rates)—102/1956, 103/1956. Committees of Agriculture Officers' Travelling Expenses and Maintenance. Allowance and Expenses Regulations—70/1956. Committees of Agriculture—Increased salaries of Officers' Regulations —69/1956. Cork District Milk Board—Election day fixed for 3ist July, 1956—121/1956. Agricultural Produce (Cereals) (Amendment) Act, 1956 in force from ist May, 1956—107/1956. Emergency Powers (No. 39) Order 1940 Revocation—iO7/ 1956. Emergency Powers (Storage of Grain) Order, 1942 revoked— 89/1956. Feeding Stuffs (Restriction of Exports) Order, 1953 amended 93/1956. Foyle Area Control of Netting Regulations, 1956. Fowl Pest (Infected Area, Castlemartyr and Youghal, Co. Cork) —147/1956. iS8/i956--revoked by 202/1956. Foyle Area (Rivers Finn and Foyle) (Close Season for Angling) Regulations, 1956. Agricultural Product (Restriction of Export)—94/1956 (Pork). Agricultural Seeds (Restriction on Cleaning of Grass Seeds)— 211/1956. Milk Boards (Election) Regulations—122/1956. Millers purchasing dried Wheat no longer subject to Quota Restrictions—107/1956. Rabbits may not be sold or given without licence—21/1956. Rabbits (Control)—21/1956. Wheat Licences and Authorised Prices—196/1956. Wheat Milling General Quota Variation Order, 1955 revoked— 96/1956. COMMODITIES, GOODS AND SERVICES. SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS. Agricultural and Fishery Products (Regulation of Export) Act, 1947. Powers transferred in respect of 31 articles including Cocoa, Canned Fruit, Margarine, Rice, Rubber, Spices, Sugar, Tea, (and Wood from Dept. of Agriculture to Dept. of Industry and Commerce—52/1956. Bread—214/1956, 215/1956. Census of Population on 8th April, 1956—Form of Statistics— 71/1956. Cigarettes (Maximum Prices)—126/1956. Clonmel Gas Charges increased—192/1956. Cobh Gas Charges increased—194/1956. Cork Gas Charges increased—13/1956, 149/1956.
Mistakes and Sales of Land at Existing Use Value (Maudsley and Goff) (The Conveyancer, September-October, 1955). Murder—Compensation for Victim's Dependants (Kent- Jones) (The Solicitor, February, 1956). Negligence in replies to requisition (Bodkin) (The Solicitor, June, 1956). Non-Feasance Revisited (Sawer) (M.L.R., December, 1955). Northern Ireland Special Powers Act (Edwards) (Crim. L.R., January, 1956). Northern Ireland divorce valid in England if husband dom iciled there—" Carr v. Carr " (The Solicitor, November, Opposition to New Tenancy by Landlord (The Solicitor, November, 1955). Parliamentary Disqualification by Felony—The Mid-Ulster Case (The Solicitor, September, 1955). Payment of Wages during Stoppage of Work (Riethmann) (Internal. & Compar. L.Q., April, 1956). Person may take immediate interest in land even though not named in deed-Effect of provision (Elliott) (The Conveyancer, January-February, 1956). Preparing a Scott or official Referee's Schedule in Building Contracts (Keating) (Conveyancer, January-February, 1956). Premiums and Income Tax (Withworth) (The Conveyancer, November-December, 1955). Presumptions of Legitimacy (Gullmann) (Internal. & Compar. L.Q., April, 1956). Power to Prosecute (Glanville Williams) (Crim. L.R., October, and November, 1955). Preparation and Presentation of Rating Appeals (Lamb and Eyre) (Conveyancer, March-April, 1956). Protection of Accused in French Criminal Procedure (Vovin) (Internationa! & Compar. L.Q., January, 1956). Public Inquiries as Instrument of Govt. (Robson) (Brit. Jonrn. Admin. Law, December, 1954). Putting Character in Issue (Newton) (Crim. L.R., April, 1956). Quasi—Contract (Clarence Smith) (M.L.R., May, 1956). Reconveyances of Mortgages by Receipt instead of by Deed (Tiie Solicitor, December, 1955). Registered Land—Rectification and Indemnity (Ruoff) (The Conveyancer, September-October, 1955). Rationale of Gifts and Favours (Stoljar) (M.L.R., May, 1956). Remedies for Infringment of Copyright (The Solicitor, December 1955)- Remedies for Breach for Landlord's Covenant to Repair (Sweetman) (The Solicitor, September-October, 1955). Revaluation for Rating and Rent Restricted Premises (The Conveyancer, January-February, 1956, and The Solicitor, February, 1956). Receiving (Crim. L.R., January, 1956). Roots of Title (The Solicitor, November, 1955). Scope of the Rule against Hearsay (Cross (L.Q.R., January, 1956). " Stare Decision " in Court of Appeal (Mason) (M.L.R., March, 1956). Statutory Instruments To-Day (Carleton Alien) (L.Q.R., October, 1955). Statutory Restriction of Judicial Review (Smith) (A/.L..R., December, 1955). Summary Trial of Minor Offences—Report of Departmental Committee (Cmd. 9524) (The Solicitor, November, 1955 and Crim. L.R., September, 1955). Taking a stying deposition (Jones) (Crim. L.R., June, 1956). Taxation of Profits and Income—Report of Royal (Millard- Tucker) Commission (The Solicitor, September, October and November, 1955). Testing of the Unconscious in Criminal Cases (Silving) (Harvard L.R., February, 1956). Void Promises as Consideration (Smith) (The Conveyancer,
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