The Gazette 1946-49

REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACTS, 1891 AND 1942 NOTICE. Folio 3708. COUNTY . LEITRIM. Registered Owner: JOHN JOSEPH SHARPLEY. An application has been made by the Registered Owner to the Registrar of Titles for the issue of a Certificate of Title in substitution for the Certificate specified in the Schedule hereto, which, it is alleged, has been lost or inadvertently destroyed. The Registrar of Titles will issue a duplicate Certificate unless he is notified within 28 days from the date of this Notice that the said Certificate of Title is still in existence and in the custody of some person other than the above-named Registered Owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the Certificate in question is being held. Dated this :6th day of March, 1949. JOSEPH O'BYRNE, Registrar of Titles. Land Registry, Central Office, Chancery Street, Dublin. SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO. Land Certificate of John Joseph Sharpley to i8a. it. i6p. of the lands of Drumharkan situate in the Barony of Leitrim and County of Leitrim being the lands comprised in said Folio. THE REGISTER Section B SOLICITOR, qualified 1940, wide experience in Dublin and county desires assistantship with view to partnership—capital available. Box No. 140. INDEX OF STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS received by the Society pursuant to the Statutory Instruments Act, 1947. The last list was printed in the GAZETTE for November, 1948. AGRICULTURE SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBER.

Committees ofAgriculture (Allowances to Members)—13/1949- Diseases of Animals (Fur-bearing Animals)—57/1949- Eggs—19/1949- Foot and Mouth Disease (Rodents and Insectivora)—58/1949. Flour—8/1949. Homegrown Wheat, National Percentage, 1949-50—436/1948. Milk Board (Dublin District)—380/1948. Minister for Agriculture (Agency Order)—379/1948. Potatoes—375/1948. Poultry, Export of—369/1948. Poultry, Hatchery Regulation, 1948—378/1948. Poultry, Hatchery Act, 1947, Commencement (No. i) Order, 1948—377/1948. Rabbits, Export of—369/1948. Venison—62/1949. Wheat—436/1948, 8/1949. Wheat, Milling, Control of—33/1949.


Bacon—400/1948. Bakers, Licensing of—46/1949. Biscuits—430/1948.

Bicycles—405 /1948. Binder Twine—30/1949. Bread—388/1948, 389/1948, 8/1949, 9/1949, 10/1949, 11/1949. Building, Control of—16/1949.

Butter—387/1948. Cheese—3 8 3/1948. Cocoa—21/1949. Cream—428/1948. Eggs—19/1949. Flour (See Bread). Gas Supplies—6/1949.

Gas Charges (Wicklow)—372/1948. Gas Charges (Thurles)—417/1948. Gas Order (Cork)—422/1948. Homespun—3 90/1948. Honey—34/1949. Jam—37/1949. Kerosene—410/1948. Maize Meal—5/1949. Margarine—3 86 /1948. Marmalade—3 7/1949. Meat and Bone Meals—15/1949. Onions—35/1949. Oranges—36/1949. Rye-grass Seeds—246/1948. Semolina—418/1948. Soap—399/1948, 22/1949. Sugar—384/1948. Tallow and Greases—14/1949. Tobacco, Rehandlers' Charges—432/1948. Tea—385/1948. Wheat, Milling, Control of—33/1949- Wheaten Meal—8/1949.


Bicycles, Mechanically propelled—426/1948. Brushes and Brooms for Domestic or Household use— 406/1948, 408/1948. Brushes for Personal use—407/1948. Boots and Shoes—415/1948.

Agricultural Wages—401/1948, 402/1948. Black Scab Special Areas Order—375/1948. Bread—8/1949.

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