The Gazette 1946-49
LECTURES, HILARY SITTINGS JUNIOR class lectures will commence on Monday, 13th January, at 2.15 p.m. Senior class lectures will commence on Tuesday, I4th January, at 2.15 p.m. EXAMINATION PAPERS THE booklet of examination papers set in 1946 is now on sale. Price, 2/-; post free, 2/4d. CIRCUIT COURT SITTINGS BY an order dated nth October, 1946, of the Circuit Court Rules Committee, the town of Bandon has been added to the list of scheduled towns in the Cork Circuit. (i) Entries will be accepted from solicitors.for the Registry under the following headings: Sec– tion A Practices for sale, partnerships and assistantships vacant; Section B. Practices, partnerships and assistantships sought; Section C. Miscellaneous information required, books, office equipment, etc., wanted or for sale. (2) Each entry accepted will be made in the appropriate section of the register which is open for inspection at the Society's offices during business hours. Each entry accepted will also be published once in the Society's Gazette: If the advertiser wishes, the entry and advertisement in the Gazette may be over a box number. (3) Charges for each entry in the Register (including one publication in the Society's Gazette) : members of the Society 3/- for 30 words or less and id. for each additional word over 50. Other solicitors double the rate
MR. THOMAS J. GREENE, Solicitor, died at his residence, 16 Leeson Park, Dublin, on 3151 October, 1946. Mr. Greene served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Roger Greene, Dublin; was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1911, and practised as senior partner in the firm of Roger Greene & Sons at 11 Wellington Quay, Dublin. He was a member of the Council for the year
for members of the Society. (4) Replies to entries in the Register and advertisements will not be forwarded by the Society unless postage is pre– paid. (5) Replies to advertisements should be marked with the appropriate Box No. and addressed to the Society. (6) The use of the Registry by solicitors is subject to general conditions, copies of which may be obtained from the Secretary. Section A WANTED experienced qualified or unqualified assistant immediately. Good salary paid to suitable applicant. Furnish particulars and references with reply to : LONGFIELD, JAMESON & HAMILTON, 25 Clare Street, Dublin. Section C English and Empire Digest, India Paper Edition, full set, with Supplements to date, for sale. Condition of all as new. What Offer':? Box. No. C. 117.
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