The Gazette 1946-49


of the Universities or other Educational Authorities or any person or persons whom they may see fit." The motion was seconded by Mr. J. P. Carrigan. The following members spoke, Messers. J. B. Hamill, P. F. O'Reilly, James R. Quirke, Scan 6 hUadhaigh, A. E. Walker. By permission of the meeting the motion was withdrawn on a statement by the President that a Committee dealing with this matter had been appointed some years ago and had not completed its deliberations and that the matter would receive active consideration in the near future. Mr. Hayes then rose and moved a hearty vote of thanks to the President for his great services to the Society during his year of office and for his address. The motion was carried with acclamation. The President thanked the meeting and the proceedings terminated. MEETING OF THE COUNCIL NOVEMBER i3th : The President in the chair. Also present : Messrs. William L. Duggan, John J. Bolger, Vice-Presidents; A. Cox, William J. Norman, J. B. Hamill, G. A. Overend, Scan O hUadhaigh, P. R. Boyd, Dermot P. Shaw, Peter O'Connor, Reginald J. Nolan, J. J. Dunne, W. S. Huggard, Daniel O'Connell, James R. Quirke, N. S. Gaffhey, J. J. Lynch, Thomas A. O'Reilly, Joseph Barrett, J. P. Carrigan, A. S. Merrick, Patrick F. O'Reilly, Roger Greene. The following was among the business trans acted : Delays in the Land Registry THE Council considered a report from a Committee on the subject of Land Registry delays. The Secre tary was directed to take the matter up with the Registrar of Titles and the Department of Justice. Statement of Judge Sealy at Nenagh Circuit Court THE Council considered a report from a Committee on statements reported in the Press to have been made by Judge Sealy in Nenagh Circuit Court commenting adversely on the costs of Circuit Court proceedings before him. It was stated that the Tipperary Bar Association did not wish any action to be taken in the matter. In the circumstances, it was decided to take no action. Finance (No. 2) Bill, 1947 A REPORT from the Legislation and Privileges Com mittee was considered and adopted.

Preliminary Examination AT the Preliminary Examination for intending apprentices to solicitors held on the ist and 2nd days of October, the following passed the examination and their names are arranged in order of merit :— i. Dermot F. Jones. 2. Mervyn Taylor. 3. Eileen de Burca. 4. William A. Corrigan. 5. Henry W. Burleigh. 6. Mary Noone. 7. Scan McGrane. 8. Gerard J. Lyons. 9. James McD. Kerr. 10. James J. Sheerin. n. James Marshall. Seventeen candidates entered ; eleven passed ; four failed ; two did not attend. The Council has awarded a Gold Medal to Dermot F. Jones, a Silver Medal to Mervyn Taylor and a Special Certificate to Eileen de Burca. At examinations held on the 3rd and 4th days of October under the Legal Practitioners' (Qualification) Act, 1929, the following passed the examinations :— First Examination in Irish Donald G. Binchy, Francis P. Byrne, John F. X. Campbell, James M. J. Cawley, Stephen P. Derham, Donal P. Gallagher, Peter D. P. Gallagher, Dermot F. Jones, Henry Kelly, James McD. Kerr, Myles C. Murphy, Patrick D. O'Connor, Patrick J. O'Driscoll (Junr.), Patrick J. O'Gara, Edward R. Rogers, John N. Ross, Mervyn Taylor. Twenty-eight candidates entered; seventeen passed ; nine failed ; two did not attend. Second Examination in Irish Ellen Beatty, Hamilton R. Blakcncy, Brendan Brcathnach, Justin J. Hegarty, Francis Johnston, Paul Kearns, Sarah C. Killeen, Mary A. Mooncy, Michael J. O'Callaghan, Myles P. Shevlin. Seventeen candidates entered ; ten passed ; five failed ; two did not attend. Intermediate Examination At the Intermediate Examination for apprentices to solicitors held on 8th October, the following passed the examination :— Passed with Merit i. Denis J. Bergin, Liam O McMenamin (equal) 3. Thomas Shields. 4. Eileen M. Prendiville. 5. Henry N. Robinson. 6. Peter A. Connellan. 7. William D. McEvoy. 8. Henry V. Lynam. Passed John F. Bowers, Edward A. Fagan, John Kirwan, Jeremiah J. O'Connor. Eighteen candidates entered; twelve passed; three failed ; three did not attend.

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