The Gazette 1946-49
increase in the existing scales of solicitors' remunera– tion for all branches of solicitors' business of 3 3-1 per cent, on the existing levels of remuneration in lieu of the minimum of 25 per cent, asked for in the Council's memorandum." Local Authorities and approval fees The Council considered a report from a Com– mittee on a query received from a solicitor who acts for a County Council. He was employed on a part-time basis at a fixed salary with the right to carry on private practice, and provides an office and staff at his own expense for the work of the County Council. He inquired whether, having regard to the terms and conditions of his employ– ment, he was entitled to charge an approval fee for approving a release of a mortgage from the County Council to a mortgagor. One of the terms of his contract with the County Council was that all costs and fees received should be handed over to the County Council. The Committee were of .opinion that, having regard to the terms of the retainer of the solicitor, the approval fee should not be charged. The report of the Committee was adopted. Motor Insurers' Bureau THE Council considered a report from a Com– mittee referring to a recent agreement which has been entered into between the Insurance Companies and the British Ministry of Transport under which a Bureau has been set up by the Insurance Companies which will pay the amount of any expense and costs awarded to persons injured by the negligence of motorists, where the drivers are not covered by any insurance policy. The Insurance Companies have undertaken to keep the Bureau in funds for this purpose. The Com– mittee recommended that the Minister for Industry and Commerce should be requested to enter into negotiations with the Insurance Companies carry– ing on business in Eire with a view to the establish– ment of a similar scheme here. The report of the Committee was adopted and it was ordered that the Secretary should communicate with the Minister for Justice and the Minister for Industry and Commerce. Apprentices' Applications A NUMBER - of applications from apprentices were considered and dealt with. Applications under Section 47 FIVE applications from solicitors for liberty to take out certificates were considered and granted on payment of the current licence duty. A number of matters were considered and referred to Committees for reports. 54
from the Organising Committee of the above Association to subscribe to the Association. Application under Section 18 AN application from an intending apprentice to the Chief Justice for total exemption from the Preliminary Examination of the Society was considered. It was ordered that the Chief Justice be informed that the Council would not oppose the granting of the application. Applications under Section 47 ELEVEN applications from solicitors for liberty to take out practising certificates were considered and granted on payment of the current licence duty. A number of matters were considered and referred to Committees of the Council for reports. JANUARY 5oth. The President in the chair : Also present: Mr. J. J. Bolder, Vice-President; Messrs. Tyrrell, J. R. Quirke, D. O'Connell, P. F. O'Reilly, T. A. O'Reilly, S. 6 hUadhaigh, J. T. Wolfe, J. J. Smyth, W. J. Norman, H. P. Mayne, J. Barrett, J. B. Hamill, A. Cox, Roger Greene, L. E. O'Dea, J. S. O'Connor. The President reported that accompanied by Mr. Bolger, Vice-President, and the Secretary, he had attended at Arus an Uachtarain to convey the good wishes of the Council to the President of Ireland. The President had asked him to convey his good wishes to the Council. Circuit Court Costs THE Council considered a report from a special Committee of the Council which had met to consider draft new scales of Circuit Court costs which had been before the Circuit Court Rules Committee. The new scales of Circuit Court costs had been prepared in 1938. The Committee reported that they were unanimously of the opinion that the proposed new scales were inadequate even in regard to the conditions existing in 1958. They recommended that the existing scales of costs in the Circuit Court Rules, 1952, be retained and that an application should be made for an increase of 33^ per cent, in the amount of the existing scales. The report of the Committee was adopted. Application for increase in solicitors' remuneration THE following resolution was proposed, seconded and carried unanimously : " That having regard to the increase in the cost of living index figures since the date when the printed memorandum from the Council to the Costs Committees was prepared, the representatives of the Council on these Committees should be instructed to infotm the Committees that the Council .apply for an
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