The Gazette 1946-49
J. Grace, Comghaill MacShuill, Brendan Fitzgerald, B.A.; J. E. Doyle (ex-auditor, ex-officio). The following awards were made :—Oratory : Incor porated Law Society's Gold Medal, J. N. Ross, B.A. (Mod.); Society's Silver Medal, James P. Woods; Special Certificate, Donal E. Browne, B.A. ; Legal Debate (President's Gold Medal), Brendan O'Flynn, LL.B. ; Society's Silver Medal, Miss Thelma King. Impromptu Speeches—Vice- President's Gold Medal, J. N. Ross, B.A. (Mod.); Vice-President's Silver Medal, R. Moylan, B.A. ; Irish Debate—Society's Gold Medal, Joseph J. Grace ; Society's Silver Medal, R. H. C. O'Doherty ; First Year Speeches—Society's Silver Medal, Joseph ' J. Grace. EXAMINATIONS—OCTOBER, 1948 Latest date for giving notice. Examination. Date. October First and Second Irish ... ist and and Final ... 4th and 5th Intermediate 6th Preliminary yth and 8th loth September. i 3 th ijth 16th LECTURES—1948-'49 COURSE A. (formerly Junior) lectures will commence on Monday, October nth, and will be given on Mondays and Thursdays at 2.15 o'clock. Course B. (formerly Senior) lectures will commence on Tuesday, October izth, and will be given on Tuesdays and Fridays at 2.15 o'clock. Course C. Lectures will commence on Monday, October nth, and will be given on Mondays and Wednesdays at 3.30 o'clock. MICHAELMAS TERM, 1948 THE Law Term will commence on Monday, October nth. CORRESPONDENCE OFFICE OF THE REVENUE COMMISSIONERS, DUBLIN CASTLE, 26th June, 1948. A CHARA, With reference to your letter of the iyth inst., on the subject of deeds and other documents,
left in the Adjudication Office for assessment of stamp duty, and which may, through inadvertence or the mislaying of the official receipts, be forgotten by the Solicitors concerned, or by their Town Agents, I am directed by the Revenue Commissioners to state that effect will be given to the suggestion contained in your letter, and accordingly, reminders will be issued to Solicitors in cases of deeds, which would appear to have been overlooked for over six months, and also in the case of documents unclaimed for a similar period. Mise, le mcas, J. SADHER. DEAR SIR, My Commissioners at their meeting held on the 15th instant reviewed the question of publication of charitable devises and bequests and they directed me to communicate to you the following Order:— " That in any case in which the total amount of the charitable devises and bequests exceeds £500, but does not exceed £1,000, and in which special circumstances are shown to exist, e.g., where the legacies are given to organised charitable bodies, the Board will be prepared to consider applications for exemption, either wholly or partially, from the obligation to publish the Statutory Notice." The Commissioners ruling as set out in a letter addressed to you on the 2nd April, 1942, applicable to cases where the value of the charitable devises and bequests does not exceed £500, remains un altered. Yours faithfully, J. S. MARTIN, Secretary. NOTE.—The following is the ruling of the Commissioners of the znd April, 1942, referred to in the above letter :— " In every case in which the total amount of the charitable devises and bequests contained in a Will does not exceed £500, the Commissioners will, in the future, having regard to the high costs of publication, be prepared to give favourable consideration to any application that may be made on behalf of the executor or administrator, as the case may be, to be exempted, cither wholly or partially, from the obligation to publish the Statutory Notice." COMMISSIONERS OF CHARITABLE DONATIONS AND BEQUESTS FOR IRELAND, 128 LR. BAGGOT ST., DUBLIN, C.i8, June, 1948.
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