The Gazette 1944-46

Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin, on Monday, 26th November, 1945. The President, Mr. Patrick F. O'Reilly, was in the chair. The following members were present:— P. F. O'Reilly, President; J. J. Bolger, A. Cox, E. M. FitzGerald, Roger Greene, J. B. Hamill, W. S. Hayes, W. J. Norman, D. O'Connell, Scan 6 hUadhaigh, G. A. Overend, J. R. Quirke, J. J. Smyth, C. G. Stapleton, J. P. Tyrrell, D. B. Gilmore, P. C. Moore, Dermod Rosney, T. D. McLoughlin, Thos. Maguire, Desmond Moran, H. E. M. Woulfe Flanagan, R. J. Tierney, A. J. Dudley, James McCourt, Hector Ryan, R. French, A. E. Walker, Samuel Hayes, T. F. O'Reilly, Rory O'Connor, W. R. McFerran, J. P. L. Murphy, F. M. Purcell, D. D. MacDonald, A. E. Prentice, Plunkett McCormack, F. X. Burke, J. F. Donovan, D. J. Hughes, J. J. Hickey, C. J. Gore Grimes, S. Millington, T. J. Kirwan, Brendan Walsh, M. A. Smyth, Eugene Collins, R. V. H. Downey, John J. Walker, Kevin Burke, Mrs. Dorothea M. O'Reilly, Oliver Fry, G. E. Grove-White, Leonard Webb, K. M. Meares, J. P. O'Connell, A. Ross, P. J. Walsh, W. H. Watson, C. Gavaii Duffy, Maurice Kenny, A. J. McDonald, H. D. Draper, A. Cullen. By permission of the meeting the notice con vening the meeting was taken as read. The min utes of the Half-Yearly General Meeting held on May 16th were read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman. The audited accounts of the Society for the year ending 30th April, 1945, were adopted and with the consent of the meeting were signed by the Chairman. Messrs. Kevans & Son, Auditors and Accountants were, re-appointed Auditors for the year to end 30th April, 1946. The Secretary read the report of the Scrutin eers of the Ballot for the Council for the year to end 26th November, 1946, which stated that the following had been returned unopposed as Provincial Delegates: Ulster, John Gillespie; Munster, A. J. Blood-Smyth ; Leinster, William L. Duggan ; Connaught, Christopher E. Callan ; and that the following had been elected as the thirty-one ordinary members of the Council, having received the number of votes placed after their respective names :—Arthur Cox 458, H. St. J. Blake 412, P. F. O'Reilly 408, W. S. Hayes 381, L. E. O'Dea 377, Edward M. FitzGerald 377, J. T. Wolfe 374, W. J. Norman 371, J. P. Car- rigan 371, P. R. Boyd 370, Scan 6 hUadhaigh 368, G. Acheson Overend 367, Daniel O'Connell 367, J. B. Hamill 363, H. P. Mayne 362, W. S. Huggard 361, J. S. O'Connor 359, P. O'Connor 358,

order reducing the rent of controlled premises on the ground that they are not in all respects in good and tenantable repair. On the suggestion of the Council this section was amended by a provision to make it clear that such an applica tion can only be made on notice to the Landlord. 2. SECTION 28 provides for the fixing of rents of small premises on personal application by the tenant or his agent at the District Court Office for a provisional order. The Committee pointed out that in recent years an undesirable class of "rent tout" has appeared in the poor districts of Dublin to the disadvantage of the tenants and that this class of person might seek to make a business out of Part III of the Act. It was sug gested that the section should be amended by making it an offence for any person, other than a solicitor, to act as an agent for the purpose of Section 28 for or in expectation of fee, gain or reward. The Minister accepted this suggestion and proposed an amendment substantially to the effect of that suggested by the Committee. 3. SECTION 31 : On the suggestion of the Com mittee the Minister proposed an amendment to the Bill, which was carried, extending the time within which the Landlord may appeal against a provisional order, from one month to three months. Several reports from the Court and Offices Committee on questions of costs submitted by members were considered and adopted. A number of apprentices' applications and applications under Section 47 were dealt with. A number of matters were referred to Com mittees of the Council for consideration. THE PRESIDENT. Mr. Daniel O'Connell of Dundalk has been elected President of the Society for the coming year. THE VICE-PRESIDENTS. Mr. Matthew G. R. Lardncr of Monaghan and Mr. Roger Greene of Dublin have been elected Vice- Presidents of the Society for the coming year.

HALF-YEARLY GENERAL MEETING. THE Half-Yearly General Meeting of the Society was held in the Hall of the Society, Solicitors'


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