The Gazette 1940-44
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland
At the Final Examination for apprentices to Solicitors held on the 7th and 8th April, the following passed the examination and their names are arranged in order of merit : 1. Bryan J. Murphy, B.A.N.UJ. 2. Margaret Morris, B.A.N.UJ. 3. Anthony J. Dudley. 4. Alexis J. FitzGerald. 5. Michael P. Q'Neill, B.A.N.UJ. 6. Dominick M. Bowling. 7. Mary B. Cahalan, B.A.N.UJ. 8. John T. Louth. 9. Jeremiah B. Hickey. 10. Edward M. Kirk. 11. John F.Scott. 12. Joanna M. Kelly, B.A.N.UJ. 13. Patrick B. Devins. VictorD. Wolfe, B.A.T.C.D. 19. Constance M. Ni Cathmhaoil. 20. Maurice P. Ronayne. 21. Maurice 0'Sullivan. -22. Adeline G. J. Hyland, B.A.N.UJ. 23. Daniel A. Coghlan. i , GeorgeA. Williams, j " 25. Peter L. Gibson, B -A - N -UJ -\Eauai JohnA. C. Kieran. J ^ -27. James B. MacClancy, B.A.N.UJ. . 28. Eunan E. H. McCarron. 14. William J.V/alsh. 15. Brendan J. Lynch. 16. Denis W. Twomey. 17. John Casey
PROFESSORSHIP OF REAL PROPERTY, EQUITY AND CONVEYANCING. The Council will, on Thursday, 3rd July, 1941, elect a Professor of Real Property Equity and Conveyancing to the Society, in room of Mr. Arthur J. G. Ouirke, Solicitor, whose term of office will expire at the end of Trinity Sittings. The newly-elected Professor will enter upon his duties next October. The appointment will be made for one year, and the person appointed will be eligible for re-appointment for each of the four succeeding years. A candidate for the Professorship must be either a Barrister or a Solicitor, and intending applicants are requested to send their applications before the 10th June to the Secretary of the Society, Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin. The Professor will be required to deliver forty-two lectures in the year between the months of September and July, and to conduct viva voce examinations on the subjects of the lectures. The lectures are delivered on Tuesdays and Fridays from 2.15 p.m. to 3.15 p.m. Enquiry for further particulars should be addressed to the Secretary.
29. Michael J. F. Power. 30. Thomas M. Costelloe. -31. Edward H. Byrne. -32. John R. P. Golfer. Patrick J. Nntley. 36. George M. Hegarty. EdwardThornton. 38. Thomas D. Healy. 39. John F. V. Arnold -34. 35. Thomas V. Daly.
Michael Ward, Croboy, Hill-of-Down, Co. Meath, Solicitor, lately practising at Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, has changed his offices to Edenderry, Co. Offaly.
DonaldJ. Hughes, B.A.N.U
> Equal.
Registered Office: 66 Dame Street, Dublin.
Fifty-six candidates attended; nine passed ; seventeen failed.
The Council awarded special Certificates to Bryan J. Murphy, B.A.N.UJ. and Margaret Morris, B.A.N.UJ.
ALL Communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin. N.W.8.
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