The Gazette 1940-44
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Vol. XXXIV, No. 8]
Mr. Reilly served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. John Clark, Dublin, was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1904, and practised at Trim, County Meath. He was a member of the Council of the Society from 1925, and was President of the Society for the year 1938-39. MR. CLAUDE J. RUTHERFOORD, Solicitor, died on the 16th January, 1941. Mr. Rutherfoord was admitted in Michael– mas Sittings, 1891, and practised as Law Agent to the Bank of Ireland, at College Green, Dublin, for many years past. Solicitor, died on the 19th January, 1941, at 2 Clifton Terrace, Monkstown, Co. Dublin. Mr. Hanrahan was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1873, and practised at Londonderry up to 1880, when he was appointed Clerk of the Crown and Peace for County Fermanagh, which office he held until 1937, when he retired. MR. PATRICK O'LEARY, Solicitor, died on the 23rd January, 1941, at his residence, the Square, Bantry. Mr. O'Leary served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Jonas Wolfe, Solicitor, Bantry. He was admitted a solicitor in Hilary Sittings, 1895, and practised up to 1938, when he was succeeded by his son, Mr. Joseph S. O'Leary, who has'since carried on the practice of the Firm under the title of P. O'Leary & Son. MR. JAMES W. HANRAHAN,
16th January. Thirteen members present. Seanad Electoral (Panel Members) Act. A letter was read from the Seanad Re– turning Officer giving notice of a revision of the register of nominating bodies, and direc– tions were given as to replying thereto. Irish Land Commission. A letter was read from the Land Commiss– ion in reply to a letter from the Council, in which complaint had been made as to the delay in dealing with two applications made by a member of the Society for two Certifi– cates of Redemption Value of Annuities. The letter intimated that the Certificates had now been issued to the Solicitor, and that the Land Commission regretted the delay and any inconvenience to which such delay had given rise. OBITUARY, MR. DANIEL J. REILLY. The Council refers with sincere regret to the death of its colleague, Mr. Daniel J. Reilly, which took place in Dublin on the 29th January, 1941. At the Meeting of the Council held upon 6th February, the following resolution was passed : " The Council has learnt with feelings of very dee]) regret of the death of its very valued colleague, Mr. Daniel J. Reilly, and it tenders to Mrs. Reilly and to his family its sincere sympathy in her and their bereavement."
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