The Gazette 1940-44
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland
December, 1940]
H. W. McCormick, G. E. Grove-White, W. J. M. Coulter, J. J. Hickey, A. T. Ellis, A. J. Reddy, J. R. McC. Blakeney, H. E. M. W. Flanagan. The Secretary read the notice convening the meeting, also the Minutes of the General Meeting of 9th May, 1940, which were signed by the Chairman. The Chairman, with the consent of the Meeting, signed the audited accounts of the Society for the year ending 30th April, 1940. The Secretary read the report of the Scrutineers of the Ballot for Council, which stated that the following had been returned unopposed as Provincial Delegates: Ulster, John Gillespie; Munster, A. J. Blood-Smyth; Connaught, C. E. Callan; and that for Leinster two candidates had been nominated, and had received the following votes 'W. L. Duggan, 45 ; John J. Walsh, 29 ; and the Scrutineers returned W. L. Duggan elected Provincial Delegate for Leinster. That for the thirty-one. Ordinary members of the Council the follow– ing had been elected, and received the number of votes placed after their respective names : D. J. Reilly, 385 ; J. T. Wolfe, 374 ; E. F. Collins, 364; H. St. J. Blake, 359; H. P. Mayne, 353; T. G. Quirke, 352 ; M. E. Knight, 350 ; Peter O'Connor, 345 ; J. J. Lynch, 340 ; P. R. Boyd, 340 ; W. S. Hayes, 330; L. E. O'Dea, 329: Sean 0 hUadhaigh, 329 ; P. F. O'Reilly, 320 '. W. J. Norman, 318; D. O'Connell, 316; J. R. Brennan, 304: G. A. Overend, 303; J. B. Hamill, 300; J. P. Carrigan, 299; J. T- Dunne, 298; W. G. Bradley, 294; E. J. Mallins, 292; W. S. Huggard, 288; E. H. Burne, 276 ; C. G. Stapleton, 271 ; T. D. McLoughlin, 270 ; J. J. Dundon, 266 ; H. O'Donnell, 263 ; R. A. Macaulay, 258 ; M. G. R. Lardner, 241. And the following to form a supplemental list in case of vacan– cies : Roger Greene, 211; W. McA. Mc- Cracken, 202 ; R. N. Keller, 185. THE PRESIDENT, addressing the Meeting, said : Since the last half-yearly meeting of the Society we have lost through death a large iramber of members of our profession. I wish to pay a brief tribute to the memory of two past members of our Council who faithfully discharged the duties of their offices and whose deaths are deplored by all who knew them.
A " First " Examination in Irish and a " Second " Examination in Irish will be held upon Friday and Saturday the 7th and 8th days of February, 1941. Notices of intention to attend either of the above-mentioned examinations should be lodged in the Secretary's Office before the 17th day of January. HILARY SITTINGS LECTURES, 1941 Senior Class lectures will begin upon Tuesday, the 14th January. Junior class lectures will begin on Monday the 13th January- SOLICITORS' BILL, 1940. Copies of the draft Solicitors' Bill, 1940, are now in the Library and can be had on loan by members under the same arrange– ment as that on which books may be loaned. Chair was occupied by the President (Mr. Henry P. Mayne), and the following mem– bers of the Society were also present : Messrs. Cecil G. Stapleton (Vice-President), P. R. Boyd, W. G. Bradley, E. H. Burne, J. P. Carrigan, E. F. Collins, J. J. Dunne, J. B. Hamill, W. S. Hayes, M. G. R. Lardner, J. J. Lynch, E. J. Mallins, T. D. McLoughlin, W. J. Norman, Daniel O'Connell, Sean 0 hUadhaigh, P. F. O'Reilly, G. A. Overend, T. G. Ouirke, C. J. C. Joyce, A. H. S. Orpen, L. J. Jameson, A. E. Ashton, Roger Greene, R. J. Muldowney, P. K. M. Carey, D. B. Gilmore, Basil Thompson, R. J. Kenny, M. Horan, Ivan Howe, R. J. Dodd, V. Kennedy, Samuel Hayes, H. R. Maunsell, W. H. Phayre, A. G. Joyce, C. W. Grove- White, J. R. C. Green, H. P. Dockrell, G. G. Overend, E. W. Proud, J- B. McCann, A. B. Watson, M. J. Bowers, V. Walker, A. E. Walker, E. A. Margetson, R. J. Tierney, J. W. Gentleman, R. P. Humphries, T. J. Kenny, C. Gore-Grimes, J. J. Hannan, HALF-YEARLY GENERAL MEETING The Half-3?early General Meeting of the Society was held in the Hall of the Society, Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin, on Tuesday the 26th November. The
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