The Gazette 1940-44
Before concluding, I would desire to express my heart-felt thanks to the Vice-Presidents, Mr. Carrigan and Mr. O'Connor and also to every member of the Council for their wonderful co operation, and for the splendid assistance they gave me in enabling me to carry out my duties during my year of office. I cannot conclude without joining the Secretary of the Society and all the officials in this expression of thanks. We have indeed been lucky in our selection of Secre tary as a very worthy successor to our late Secretary, and I am deeply grateful to him for all the help and assistance he gave me. There only remains for me to thank the Press for the very ample reports they gave during the past year, of the activities of the Society and to thank sincerely those gentlemen of the Press who are here to-day for their attendance. The following members addressed the Meeting on matters arising out of the Report: Messrs. M. Purcell, J. H. Bergin, A. E. Walker, P. Glynn, C. M. Gore-Grimes, George Crowley, P. C. Moore. The President, having replied to the points raised, put the motion for the adoption of the Report which was carried unanimously. The following Resolution, of which Special Notice had been given, was then proposed by Mr. Cox and seconded by Mr. Crowley : " That the Society urges on the Minister for Justice the necessity for the setting up of a permanent Law Reform Committee, consisting of members of the legal profession, with a view to having the many anomalies and archaic rules in our laws removed or revised." Messrs. J. J. Hickey, M. Purcell and T. D. McLoughlin having spoken, the motion was put to the meeting by the Presi dent and carried unanimously. Mr. A. H. S. I formally move the adoption of the report and accounts. Mr. Boyle-Fawsitt seconded the adoption of the Report.
Orpen proposed that the best thanks of the" Society be given to the President for his great services to the Society and the Profession during his year to office. The motion was seconded by Mr. T. H. R. Craig and carried with acclamation. The President thanked the meeting and the proceedings terminated. NEW MEMBERS THE following have joined the Society :— Dominick M. Bowling, 22 Kildare Street, Dublin Edward J. Durnin, 21 Bachelor's Walk, Dublin. William B. Gavin, Eyre Square, Galway. Edmund Hayes, 20 South Mall, Cork. J. Desmond Kearns, Chief State Solicitors' Office, Dublin Castle. Timothy J. Kirwan, 25 Wicklow Street, Dublin. Roderick B. McConnell, 101 Grafton Street, Dublin. Caleb C. McCutcheon, 11 Pearse Street, Nenagh. Keith M. Meares, 41 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin. Francis A. J. O'Hare, 11 Lr. Ormond Quay, Dublin. FEBRUARY EXAMINATIONS " FIRST " and " Second " Examinations in Irish will be held on 4th and 5th days of February, 1944. Notice of intention to attend either examination should be lodged in the Secretary's Office before the 14th January, 1944. LECTURES, HILARY SITTINGS, 1944 SENIOR Lectures will begin on January llth, 1944. Junior Lectures will begin on January 13th, 1944. STATUTES OF THE OIREACHTAS Title. . Signed by the President. 23. Appropriation (No. 2) 2nd December, 1943. 24. Expiring Laws. 2nd December, 1943. Joseph L. Reilly, Drogheda. John J. Timoney, Tipperary.
ALL Communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, Solicitor's Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin. Telephone : 73092. 41
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