The Gazette 1940-44
G. A. Overend, Daniel O'Connell, Eugene F. Collins, Scan 6 hUadhaigh, Patrick F. O'Reilly, C. E. Callan, A. Cox, John J. Smyth, John J. Bolger, H. St. J. Blake, Roger Greene. A number of matters were considered and referred to Committees of the Council for reports. THE INCORPORATED LAW SOCIETY OF NORTHERN IRELAND MR. A. S. MERRICK, of Belfast, was elected President of the above Society for the year 1943/44. The following are the extraordinary members on the Council of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland for the year 1943/44 : Messrs. Alexander S. Merrick, Charles McLaughlin, Geo. Murnaghan, James C. Taylor and Charles Thorn. MR. J. J. HORGAN, of Cork, has been elected President of the Association for the year 1943/44. The following are the extraordinary members on the Council of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland for the year 1943/44 : Messrs John J. Horgan, Edward Emerson, John F. Foley, Barry M. O'Meara and John J. Stanton. LAW TERMS, 1944 Hilary Sittings, January llth to March 31st. Easter Sittings, April 17th to May 18th. Trinity Sittings, June 1st to July 31st. Michaelmas Sittings, October 10th to Decem ber 21st. HALF-YEARLY GENERAL MEETING THE Half-yearly General Meeting of the Society was held in the Members' Hall, Solicitors' Build ings, Four Courts, on Friday, 26th November, 1943. The President, Mr. John B. Hamill, was in the Chair. The following members of the Society were also present: Mr. John P. Carrigan and Mr. John S. O'Connor, Vice-Presidents, Messrs. E. F. Collins, A. Cox, F. J. W. Darley, E. M. Fitzgerald, W. S. Hayes, H. P. Mayne, W. J. Norman, Daniel O'Donnell, H. O'Donnell, 36 THE SOUTHERN LAW ASSOCIATION
THE VICE-PRESIDENTS THE Council has elected Mr. Robert A. Macaulay, of Listowel, and Mr. Arthur Cox, of Dublin, to be Vice-Presidents of the Society for the coming twelve months. MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL NOVEMBER 18th. The President in the Chair. Present: Mr. John S. O'Connor, Vice-President, Messrs. Roger Greene, G. A. Overend, Scan 0 hUadhaigh, Patrick F. O'Reilly, Eugene F. Collins, P. R. Boyd, John J. Bolger, W. S. Hayes, Henry P. Mayne, Daniel O'Connell, William J. Norman, A. Cox, John J. Smyth, Louis E. O'Dea. A REPORT from a Committee referring to an appar ent contradiction between Order 4, Rule 3 and Order 28,. Rule 2 of the Rules of the High Court, 1926, (relating to the costs of an undefended Originating Summary Summons for a liquidated sum not exceeding £300) and Order 2, Rule 7 of the Circuit Court Rules was considered and it was directed that the matter should be brought to the attention of the Society's representatives on the appropriate Rule-making Committees. NOVEMBER 26th. The President in the Chair. Present: Mr. J. P. Carrigan and Mr. J. S. O'Connor, Vice-Presidents, Messrs. W. S. Hayes, William J. Norman, Cecil Geo. Stapleton, G. A. Overend, Sean 6 hUadhaigh, E. M. Fitzgerald, Henry P. Mayne, F. J. W. Darley, Patrick F. O'Reilly, Eugene F. Collins, Daniel O'Connell, Hugh O'Donnell, A. Cox, John J. Smyth. A number of applications from Apprentices were considered and dealt with. DECEMBER 2nd. The President in the Chair. Present: Mr. J. P. Carrigan and Mr. J. S. O'Connor, Vice-Presidents, Messrs. W. S. Hayes, Cecil G. Stapleton, J. Travers Wolfe, Henry P. Mayne, E. M. Fitzgerald, Louis E. O'Dea, F. J. W. Darley, William J. Norman, J. J. Lynch, Cost of Originating Summary Summons
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