The Gazette 1940-44
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland
December, 1942]
THE INCORPORATED LAW SOCIETY OF NORTHERN IRELAND. Mr. Charles MacLaughlin of Coleraine has been elected President of the Society for the year 1942-1943. THE LAW ASSOCIATION. Mr. John F. Foley of Cork has been elected President of the Association for the year 1942-1943. OBITUARY. MR. FREDERICK G. SHARPE, Solicitor, died on 30th November, 1942, at his residence, 14 Ailesbury Road, Dublin. Mr. Sharpe served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. William Milward Jones, and the late Mr. Alexander C. Cameron, both of Dublin. He was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1899, and practised at 6 Dawson Street, Dublin, as a member of the firm'of Milward Jones, Mayne & Sharpe. He was Professor of Common Law to The Incorporated Law Society from 1909 to 1914. SOLICITORS' COSTS—GROSS SUM. The recent English Decision in the case of In re J. N. Nabarro & Sons (59 T.L.R.24) on the construction of the Solicitors' Re muneration (Gross Sum) Order, 1934, is of interest to Irish Solicitors in as much as the relevant part of that Order is identical with our General Order of 15th November, 1920 (printed at page 465 of the Society's Calendar for 1942). The following statement appears at page 382, Cordery on Solicitors, 4th Edition :— " Where a Solicitor charges an unex plained gross sum the client may, before taxation, require an explanation, which the Solicitor is bound to give, and which may then be used on taxation, or the Solicitor may tender such explanation without the client's request and in either case the explanation may be used on taxation to explain (but not so as on increase) the gross sum." SOUTHERN
with the result we all know, at the Special Meeting over which he presided. He dilig ently practised, what he proudly stated he was taught in childhood—" never to accept any position unless he was prepared to give of his very best in that position." During his year of office he was unsurpassable in service. He gave us his very best. He presided over our meetings with marvellous tact and good humour and he leaves office with every one of us cherishing a memory of a man from whom we expected much, but, who gave us far in excess of what we antici pated. I trust, and I know, that during my term of office I shall receive from Mr. Overend every assistance that he can give, and I shall depend and rely on his advice and experience. On behalf of our Council I present to you, Mr. Overend, this badge, a replica of your badge of office, which I know you will cherish as a proud memory of the honour that had been conferred upon you and the confidence placed in you by your colleagues. Go dtugaidh Dia Saoghal fada dhuit faoi Rath agus Faoi Shonas. As I have just said in our own tongue : May God grant you many years of happiness and prosperity. A " First " Examination in Irish and a " Second " Examination in Irish will be held on Friday and Saturday, the 5th and 6th days of February, 1943. Notices of intention to attend either of the above-mentioned examinations should be lodged in the Secretary's Office before the 15th day of January. HILARY SITTINGS LECTURES, 1943. Senior Class Lectures will begin on Tuesday, the 12th January. Junior Class Lectures will begin on Monday, the llth January. EXAMINATION PAPERS, 1942. The Booklet containing the Papers set at all the examinations held by the Society during the year 1942 can now be obtained from the Secretary's Office, price 2/-, post free. LEGAL PRACTITIONERS (QUALIFICATION) ACT, 1929.
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