The Gazette 1940-44
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland
July, 1942]
By Act 2 and 3 William IV. C. 27. Sec. 29, it is enacted that ' only when a Memorial shall contain such particluars required by this Act to be set forth in the Abstract Book are found to be truly stated, shall a Deed be registered but not otherwise.' The Abstract Book in the same Act requires the " general nature of the Deed " to be entered but whether this would, enable the Registrar to insist on a fuller habendum has never been decided or even considered. I beg to draw attention to the danger at present existing of the destruction of Deeds and the necessity of providing against this by all and every "means in our power. Here in the Registry we have fire-proof vaults and a very complete Air Raid Protection system and, to p^tt the matter on its lowest grounds, it seems to be a waste of time and money if the Memorials we are at such pains to preserve prove to be valueless in the absence of the Deed. I hope the Council will persuade the members of the profession to give favourable considera tion to the suggestion that the habendum of a Deed as set out in the Memorial should be either a full copy, or, at least such an extract as would enable the tenure of the grantee to be fidly determined from the Memorial. Please explain to the Council that the Registry has no desire to dictate or even suggest to Solicitors how they should conduct their business. Our relations with the profession have always been on a very amicable basis and this suggestion is made with a desire to be even more helpful in case of emergency. Yours faithfiilly, SAMUEL S. WEIR, Assistant Registrar." EXAMINATIONS RESULTS. Intermediate Examination for apprentices to Solicitors held on the 2nd June, the following passed the examination:— Passed with Merit. 1. XoelM. J. A. Purcell. 2. Philip E. McCourt. At the
NEW MEMBERS. The following have joined the Society :— John Bolton, 24 Clare Street. L. K. Brannigan, Central Office, Four Courts. John R. Colfer, New Ross. Andrew F. M. O'C. Comyn, 27 College Green. v Daniel A. Creedon, Bantry. Eamon J. Crowley, 3-4 Lr. O'Connell Street. John C. Daly, 16 Sth. Frederick Street. John F. Donovan, 19 Upr. Merrion Street. David J. Farrell, 1 Clare Street. Alexis J. FitzGerald, 16 Molesworth Street. Raymond G. Hicke)', 59 Dame Street. Maurice W. Keller, \Vaterford. Alexander Marshall, 119 St. Stephen's Green. Declan P. A. Murphy, 20 St. Stephen's Green. Joseph P. O'Connell, 4 South Great George's Street. T. V. O'Connor, Swinford. Charles J. Robinson, 86 Merrion Square. Charles M. Ryan, 18 Lr. Baggot Street. Raphael D. Seligman, 77 Dame Street. Dermod M. F. \Valsh, City Hall, Cork Hill. REGISTRY OF DEEDS. The following letter which has been received speaks for itself. The Council considers the suggestions therein worthy of adoption. "To The Secretary, Incorporated Law Society, Four Courts, Dublin. Dear Sir, I would be grateful if you would bring before the Council of the above Society this letter as I would appreciate its views as to our legal position and, if the Council should so determine, its aid in mitigating what is, without doubt, a weakness in the present-day practice of the Registry of Deeds. I have had complaints recently from several Solicitors that certified copies of Memorials registered in this office have been of no value to them as the habendum consisted simply of the words "TO HOLD as therein." In the absence of the Deed, which had been either lost or destroyed the Memorial was valueless. Some Solicitors go so far as to suggest to me that a complete copy of each Deed should be lodged as a Memorial.
3. Edward A. Kelly. 4. Thomas F. Millett. 5. James D. Kiernan. 6. John M. O'Farrell. 7. Arthur E. MacMahon. 8. Richard J. Hegarty. 9. Patrick J. O'Doherty. 10. David M. G. Slattery.
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