The Gazette 1940-44
THE GAZETTE OF THE Inrnrporatefr f afo ^ndtttr of Jlrdanft
JUNE, 1942
Vol. XXXVI, No. 2]
On the motion of Mr. T. G. Ouirke, seconded by Mr. W. S. Hayes the following resolution was unanimously adopted :— " That this General Meeting of the Incor- parted Law Society begs to tender to the members of the family of the late Mr. W. G. Wakely its sincerest sympathy in their bereavement. The Profession learnt of his death with the deepest sorrow and regret. The meeting wishes to associate itself with and to adopt the resolution of sympathy passed by the Council, which it feels, does nothing more than justice to the memoryof its great Secretary." the following members to be scrutineers of ballot for the election of the Council to be held on Monday 23rd November next:—Messrs. John R. McC. Blakeney, Desmond J. Collins, Thomas Jack son, Hugh G. Sweetman, and Roderick J. Tierney. On the motion of Mr. Mayne, seconded by Mr. O'Dea the following resolution was unanimously adopted:— " That Mr. A. E. Prentice, Mr. P. Glynn and Mr. E. J. O'Brien be appointed auditors of the Society's accounts for the year ending 30th April, 1942." The President nominated
HALF-YEARLY GENERAL MEETING. A Half-yearly General Meeting of the Society was held on Friday the 15th May, 1942, in the Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin, the President, Mr. G. Acheson Overend, in the chair. The following mem bers were also present:— H. St. J. Blake, P. R. Boyd, W. Gordon Bradley, E. F. Collins, A. C. Cox, W. S. Hayes, W. S. Huggard, M. G. R. Lardner, R. A. Macauley, H. P. Mayne, W. ]. Norman, Danl. O'Connell, L. E. O'Dea, Sean OhUadhaigh, P. F. O'Reilly, Thos. G. Ouirke, C. G. Stapleton, Ivan Howe, J. T. Hamerton, Denzil OTJonnell, W. J. Keery, H. W. McCormick, J. P. L. Murphy, D. D. McDonald, R. N. Keller, W. Boyle Fawsitt, Jas. Fagan, R. Me. C. Blakeney, D. B. Gilmore, C. G. Vanston, D. Dowling, E. J. Kenny, S. Hayes, T. J. Kenny, G. E. Grave White, C. T. Blair White, G. G. Overend, H. E. Woulfe Flanagan, T. H. R. Craig, A. Joyce, A. Marshall, A. E. Walker, C. H. Maidment, D. Moran, Raymond G. Kenny, James J. Hickey, C. Gore Grimes, T. O'Reilly, J. H. Gorman, John Murtagh, R. P. Humphries and Wm. Walsh. The Secretary read the notice convening the meeting and the minutes of the half- yearly General Meeting held on the 26th November, 1941, the latter of which were signed by the President.
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