The Gazette 1940-44
[April, 1942
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland
JUNE EXAMINATIONS, 1942. An Intermediate Examination will be held on Tuesday, 2nd June. Notice of intention to attend to be lodged before 12th May. First and Second Irish Examinations will be held on Friday and Saturday, the 5th and 6th days of June. Notice of intention to attend to be lodged before 15th May. CALENDAR, 1942. The Calendar of the Society for 1942 can be obtained in the Secretary's Office, price five shillings; by post, five shillings and sixpence. CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. The following is a copy of a letter dated 2nd April, 1942, received from the Com missioners of Charitable Donations and Bequests for Ireland. " The Secretary, Incorporated Law Society, Four Courts, Dublin. Dear Sir, I am to inform you that my Board at their last meeting considered the question of the high cost of publication of Notices of charit able bequests in Newspapers and they made the following Order, a copy of which they directed me to send to you :— " that in every case in which the total " amount of the charitable devises and " bequests contained in a will does not " exceed £500, the Commissioners will, in " the future, having regard to the high cost " of publication, be prepared to give " favourable consideration to any applica- " tion that may be made on behalf of the " Executor or Administrator, as the case " may be, to be exempted, either wholly "or partially, from the obligation to " publish the Statutory Notice." Yours faithful^, (signed) D. Smith, Secretary ALL Communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin, N.W.8.
MR. WILLIAM D. SAINSBURY, Solicitor, died on 17th March, 1942, at his residence, 10 Vergemount Park, Clonskeagh, Dublin. Mr. Sainsbury served his apprenticeship to the late Mr. R. J. K. St. George, Dublin, was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1895, and practised at 4 St. Andrew Street, Dublin, under the style of Sainsbury & Co. up to the year 1939, when he retired. MR. DANIEL J. MCGRATH, Solicitor, died on 18th March, 1942, in Chicago, U.S.A. Mr. McGrath served his apprenticeship to the late Mr. John J. McDonald, Dublin, was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1910, and prac tised in Dublin and Callan. He was Consul in New York in 1921-22 and was Consul in Chicago since 1933. • MR. ROBERT H. MORRIS, Solicitor, died at his residence, 20 Belgrave Road, Rathmines, Dublin, on 27th March, 1942. Mr. Morris was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1884, and practised at 30 Westland Row, Dublin. APPOINTMENT. Mr. Daniel P. O'Connor, Solicitor, Naas, Co. Kildare, has been appointed State Solicitor for the County Kildare in place of Mr. Ronald Brown, Solicitor, who has resigned. The appointment takes effect as on and from the 1st April, 1942. LAW SOCIETY CENTENARY ANNUITY FUND. The total amount received up to 25th February, 1942, including Bank Interest, and The Incorporated Law Society's opening contribution of two hundred guineas, is £1,387 6s. lid. The total number of subscribers to 25th February, 1942, is now 251. Subscriptions have been received from the following since the publication of the list in the Gazette of January last. Glass, C. M.
Kirwan, Valentine, E. Robinson, Archibald.
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