The Gazette 1930-33
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Vol. XXVI, No. 1.]
MAY, 1932.
Mr. Denroche was Special Examiner to the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland for the Intermediate and Final Examinations from 1906 to 1927, the duties of which office he discharged with very marked ability. PROFESSORSHIP OF COMMON LAW. The Council invite applications for the office of Professor of Common Law to the Society. Particulars of duties can be obtained from the Secretary. The newly-elected Professor will enter on his duties next October. The appointment will be made for one year, and the person appointed will be eligible for yearly re- appointment for each of the four succeeding years. Applications from practising Barristers or Solicitors will be received up to the 18th June, and should be addressed to the Secretary, Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin, N.W.8. COUNTY DUBLIN FI FAS AND DECREES. Question put in Dail by Mr. H. M. Dockrell, T.D. : " To ask the Minister for Justice if he is aware that the City Sheriff, when handed decrees or Fi Fas directed to him, where the defendant resides in what was formerly the County of Dublin but now the City, refuses to accept them and insists on their being lodged with the County Sheriff, and if he will have this matter investigated with a view to rectifying this anomaly." (For answer before 27th April.) Answer : " Section 23 (3) of the Local Government (Dublin) Act, 1930, provides that so long as the person who, at the passing of that Act, held the office of Under-Sheriff of the County of Dublin, continues to hold
7th April. Twenty-six Members present. Court of Examiners.
The report of the Court of Examiners upon the April Examinations was submitted and adopted. Circuit Courts. A letter from Roscommon Circuit Court Bar Association, also a letter from a Country Member relative to costs of equity appeals, were referred to the Costs Committee. The Council adjourned until 26th May. OBITUARY. MR. JOHN J. FOLEY, Solicitor, died on the 2nd April, 1932. Mr. Foley was admitted in Easter Sittings, 1883, and practised at Skibbereen. MR. HENRY C. NEILSON, Solicitor, died upon the 16th April, 1932, at his residence, 3 Aston Gardens, Strandtown, Belfast. Mr. Neilson served his apprenticeship with his father, the late Mr. Henry C. Neilson, Dublin ; was admitted in Easter Sittings, 1894, and practised as a member of the firm of Henry C. Neilson and Son and Dawson, at 10, and subsequently at 14, Fleet Street, Dublin, up to 1922, when he was appointed First Class Clerk in the Taxing Master's Office of the High Court of Northern Ireland, Belfast. __ MR. CHARLES H. DENROCHE, Solicitor, died on the 23rd April, 1932, at his residence, Keylong House, Cahir, Co. Tipperary. Mr. Denroche served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. William G. Lane, Cork ; was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1895, and practised at 32 Nassau Street, Dublin, up to 1930, when he retired.
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