The Gazette 1930-33
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland
giving Judges power to temporarily continue to award costs in the same manner as they had been doing for the past seven years, authorised me to say that at the beginning of the present session he would introduce the necessary legislation to ratify all judgments and decrees for costs affected by the decision in question, and indemnifying parties, their Solicitors, agents, sheriffs and others who had acted pursuant to such judgments and decrees, and that at the same time he would introduce Circuit Court Rules and have them passed. The Minister, acting on this promise, has introduced and passed into law the Courts of Justice (No. 2) Act, 1931, which to the fullest possible extent ratines the judgments and decrees in question and pro– vides for the necessary indemnities. He has also introduced Circuit Court Rules, which have been passed by the Oireachtas and will come into operation on the 1st of January next. I need not refer to these Rules in detail, but I would like to say that, among other important changes, they provide for the marking of judgments in default of appearance without the necessity of a hearing by the Circuit Court Judge a procedure which will I know be welcomed not only by us but also by the commercial community. Land Act, 1931. I told you at the half-yearly meeting that I had been consulted with reference to the Rules necessary for carrying into effect the provisions of this Act; I think these Rules are working satisfactorily. I also told you that it was intended that more Examiners of Title should be appointed. Since then five additional Examiners have been appointed, and I understand that further appointments will soon be made. These appointments are open to members of our profession, one of whom was appointed in February last. I hope that if these new appointments are made some of them will be filled by Solicitors, as the training of a Solicitor makes him eminently suited to carry out the duties of an Examiner of Title. Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons. I am glad to have this opportunity of thanking the Presidents and Councils of the Royal College of Physicians and of the Royal College of Surgeons for having so generously
granted to our Society the use of their halls and rooms from time to time during the past nine years ; without this help it would have been -very difficult to carry on the work of our Society. Northern Law Society. Last night I attended the Annual Dinner of the Council of the Northern Law Society. Our relations with our Northern brethren are, as they have always been, of a most cordial and friendly nature ; a condition of affairs that will, I am certain, continue in the future. There does not appear to me to be anything else in the Report to which I need draw your attention. You have a full statement of our financial position, which is very satisfactory, and you also have the results of our examina– tions. I think the Report shows that during the last year the Council has done a con– siderable amount of useful work in the interest of the profession, and f should personally like to thank my Vice-Presidents, the other members of the Council and Mr. Wakely for the valuable assistance I have received from each and every one of them during my year of office. MR. T. W. DELANY (Vice-President) seconded the adoption of the Report, and the resolution was put to the meeting and passed. The chair having been taken by Mr. T. W. Delany, Mr. C. St. G. Orpen moved and Mr. Vincent Kennedy seconded a vote of thanks to the President, which was supported by Mr. Delany and passed with acclamation. THE PRESIDENT. The Council elected on 3rd December, Mr. Laurence J. Ryan, of Thurles, County Tipperary, to be President of the Society for the ensuing twelve months. The newly-elected President was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1894 ; he became a member of the Council in 1924, and was a Vice-President of the Society in 1925-26. THE VICE-PRESIDENTS. The Council have elected Mr. Thomas H. R. Craig, of 30 South Frederick Street, Dublin, and Mr. Edward M. Fitzgerald, of 20 Saint Andrew Street, Dublin, to be Vice-Presidents of the Society for the ensuing twelve months.
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