The Gazette 1930-33
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AUGUST, 1930.
Vol. XXIV, No. 4.]
necessity for an increase in the clerical staff of the High Court Taxing Office, owing to the taxation of Land Commission costs being transferred to a Taxing Master of the High Court. Adjournment. The Council adjourned until 2nd October, unless specially summoned. NEW MEMBERS. The following have joined the Society : James G. A Byrne, Wexford. Frederick W. Gilligan, 1 Lr. Ormond Quay, Dublin.
10th July, 1930. Twenty-four Members present. Land Registry Folios.
A letter in reply was read from the Revenue Commissioners stating that owing to the provisions of Section 2 of the Stamp Act of 1891, they could not comply with the suggestion of the Council that the Revenue stamp duty of one shilling payable on a Land Registry folio on each occasion of its being written up might be payable by an adhesive Revenue stamp.
31st July, 1930. Twenty-eight Members present. Mr. Arthur A. Greene.
It was resolved that a letter be written to Mr. Arthur A. Greene on the occasion of his retiring from the office of Assistant Probate Registrar, expressing appreciation of his courtesy to members of the profession, and the good wishes of the Council. Four Courts Buildings. A report was read from the Society's Architect, Mr. Richard C. Orpen, R.H.A., stating that satisfactory progress is being made in the building of new premises for the Society at the Four Courts. Land Commission Costs. It was resolved that a letter be written to the Minister for Justice pointing out the
Samuel J. Kyle, Sligo. Charles J. Laverty
(Junior), Castle-
blayney. Daniel J. O'Connor, 42 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin.
Patrick J. O'Neill, Athy. Adelaide M. Quin, Ardee.
APPOINTMENT. Mr. Laurence A. Conroy, Solicitor, Ballina- sloe, has been appointed an Assistant Justice of the District Court in Saorstat Eireann.
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