The Gazette 1930-33
JUNE, 1930]
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
SOLICITORS' APPRENTICES' DEBATING SOCIETY. Awards for Session 1929-1930. Oratory : Incorporated Law Society's Gold Medal, D. J. O'Connor; Society's Silver Medal, D. F. O'Shea. Incorporated Law Society's Special Certificate : E. A. J. Plunkett, T. A. Buckley. Legal Debate : President's Gold Medal, D. J. O'Connor; Society's Silver Medal, E. A. J. Plunkett. Impromptu Speeches : Vice-President's Gold Medal, E. A. J. Plunkett; Vice- President's Silver Medal, C. H. Browne. Composition : I ncorporated Law Society's Gold Medal, D. F. O'Shea.
A letter in reply has been received from the Revenue Commissioners intimating that, in accordance with a request from the Council, they have given instructions that, in future, acknowledgments of the receipt, for deeds lodged to have the " Particulars Delivered " stamp impressed are to be issued in all cases. ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin, C.17.
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