The Gazette 1930-33
THE GAZETTE OF THE ain J^nrirfn nf
JANUARY, 1933.
Vol. XXVI, No. 7 ]
SOLICITORS' ANNUAL CERTIFICATES. Members are reminded that annual certifi– cates for the year ending 5th January, 1934, should be taken out and the duties paid thereon before 6th February, 1933. Certificates' enabling Solicitors to practise in the Irish Free State are issued in the office of the Secretary of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin, and the duties thereon are payable at the Stamp Office, Dublin Castle. A Northern Ireland Solicitor entitled to practise in the Free State, who desires to take out a Free State certificate, must obtain through his Dublin agent such certificate at the office of the Secretary of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin. This certificate must then be produced by the agent at the Stamp Office, Dublin Castle, together with the Solicitor's Northern Ireland stamped certifi– cate for the year then current, so that credit may be marked on the Free State certificate for duty to the amount paid on the Northern certificate. Certificates enabling Solicitors to practise in Northern Ireland are issued in the office of the Secretary of the Incorporated Law Society of Northern Ireland, 35 Royal Avenue, Belfast, and the duties thereon are payable at the Inland Revenue Office, Belfast. A Free State Solicitor entitled to practise in Northern Ireland, who desires to take out a Northern Ireland certificate, must obtain through his Belfast agent such certificate at the office of the Secretary of the Incorporated Law Society of Northern Ireland, 35 Royal
Avenue, Belfast. This certificate must then be produced by the agent at the Inland Revenue Office, Belfast, together with the Solicitor's Free State stamped certificate for the year then current, so that credit may be marked on the Northern certificate for duty to the amount paid on the Free State certificate.
8th December. Twenty-six members present.
Election of President and Viee-Presidents. The Council elected Mr. W. Gordon Bradley to be President of the Society, and Mr. J. Travers V.'olfe and Mr. Peter O'Connor to be Vice-Presidents of the Society for the ensuing twelve months.
15th December. Twenty-two members present. Statutory Committee.
A letter was read from the Chief Justice appointing the following seven members of the Council to be the Statutory Committee for year ending 26th November, 1933 : Mr. Bradley, Mr. Orr, Mr. Ryan, Mr. Seales, Mr. Sheridan, Mr. Tallan, and Mr. Thompson. Dublin Circuit Caurt. A letter was read from a member of the Council drawing attention to the large number of the arrear of cases awaiting hearing in the Dublin Circuit Court. The matter was referred to a Committee for consideration.
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