The Gazette 1930-33
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Arthur W. Jeffers. Timothy J. Kirwan. Stephen E. Law. Mary T. McCarroll. Maurice McGrath.
Fifty-six candidates attended, thirty-two passed. The Council awarded a Silver Medal to Timothy O'N. Kiely, B.A., N.U.I., and a Special Certificate to Edward M. O'Beirne. Scholarships, 1932. Overend Preliminary Examination Scholar– ship, not awarded. Overend Final Examina– tion Scholarship, awarded to John B. Sullivan. Findlater Scholarship, awarded to Gerald Baily. SOLICITORS' GOLFING SOCIETY. The Autumn Competition was held at Portmarnock on the 27th September. Over forty members took part. The following were the best scores : ' M. G. Lardner, nett 75 (winner of the Council Cup'1. S. O'Connor, nett 77 (2nd Prize). P. Glynn, nett 78. A. J. Malone, nett 78. D. M. Martin, nett 79 (winner of the Pre– sident's Cup). M. J. Bowers, nett 80 (winner of the Veterans' Cup). In the Foursome Sweepstakes the best cards were: Messrs. Darley and Rolleston, 3 down. Messrs. McKenna and Malone, 4 down. Messrs. Thompson and Warren, 5 down. Messrs. Lardner and Martin, 5 down. In the evening a Dinner was held in the Clubhouse, presided over by Mr. L. J. Ryan. President of the Incorporated Law Society. ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin, N.W.8.
. James S. McF. Rountree. Richard H. P. Ryan. Patrick J. Shaw. Edward Toner. Thomas C. G. Vance. Forty-nine candidates attended,
three passed.
Final Examination. At the Final Examination held on 4th and 5th October, the following passed the exam– ination, and their names are arranged in order of merit: 1. Timothy O! N. Kiely, B.A., N.U.I.
2. Edward M. O'Beirne. 3. Bernard P. Manning. 4. Arthur J. G. Quirke. 5. Richard C. Faris. 6. Robert Humphries. 7. John P. Murphy, B.A., T.C.D. Desmond P. Owens, B.A., T.C.D. 9. Nicholas A. Byrne. 10. Patrick D. Jordan. 11. Kathleen Ryan. 12. Francis P. Galvin. 13. Mathew C. Mullen. 14. Michael Cussen, B.A., T.C.D. 15. John B. Lavelle. 16. John J. P. Gordon. 17. Joseph C. Rutledge. 18. John J. Colbert Edward Monahan 20. Dermot J. O'Rourke. 21. Samuel Bolton. 23. Edward Ryan, B.A., T.C.D. 24. Roger P. Greene. 25. William Quinn. 26. Thomas J. Bernardi. 27. Kevin Burke \
l eaual Patrick J. A. Sweetman $ ^
Thomas D. Kelly
29. George C. Ouinn. 30. Gerald St. J. Nolan. 31. Edmund P. Condon. 32. Arthur G. Fegan.
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