The Gazette 1927-30


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Vol. XXIII, No. 2.]

JUNE, 1929.


The President nominated the following members to be Scrutineers of Ballot for Council, to be held on 21st November next: Mr. E. Collins, Mr. Dawson, Mr. R. French, Mr. Sharpe, and Mr. N. Taylor. THE PRESIDENT, addressing the meet ing, said :— Since I took office death has been busy in the ranks of the Council, and we, their colleagues, mourn the loss of Mr. Frank Fottrell, cut off in the prime of manhood ; Mr. P. J. Byrne, of Carlow, and Mr. B. J. O'Flaherty, both of riper years, but all beloved by us. These three members are sadly missed, as each in his sphere had experience, and were able to assist the deliberations of the Council with sound advice as occasion arose. We all express to those relatives whom our three professional brethren have left behind our sympathy in their loss and record of our sorrow. The vacant places on the Council have been filled (according to our Statutes and Regula tions) from the Supplemental List by Mr. W. Henry, whom we welcome as returning to the Council, Mr. Miley and Mr. O'Sullivan, upon each of whom I am satisfied your Council can rely for support in all their lawful determinations. The half-year has been an interesting and busy time. The Council have held eight Ordinary Meetings and one Special Meeting, and as you will recollect, it has fallen to my lot to summon that rare but occasionally useful assembly, a Special General Meeting of the members of our Society, the occasion for which I will refer to later.

HALF-YEARLY GENERAL MEETING. The Half-yearly General Meeting of the Society was held on Thursday, the 16th May, at 45 Kildare Street, Dublin, the President (Mr. Edward H. Burne) in the Chair. The following members were also present : Messrs. A. H. S. Orpen, W. V. SeddaU W. T Sheridan, Basil Thompson, P. M. Seales, Patrick Tallan, M. E. Knight, A. D. Orr, J. E. MacDermott, F. C. E. Bland, R. N. Keller, C. St. G. Orpen, J. W. Dyas, W. H. Fry, William Henry, G. A. Overend, J. T. Wolfe, A. E. R. McCabe, O. P. Beater, E. E. Merrick, D. B. Gilmore, E. R. McC. Dix, V. E. Kirwan, D. D. MacDonald, J. R. Cresswell, G. A. Byrne, C. J. Law, P. Glynn, H. T. Henchy, J. P. Collins, F. S. D. Colquhoun, V. Kennedy, J. D. Hollinger, V. F. Kirwan, and E. J. Mallins. The Secretary read the notice convening the meeting and the Minutes of the Half- yearly General Meeting held on 26th Novem ber, 1928, and of the Special General Meeting held on 8th February, 1929, which were signed by the President. On the motion of Mr. W. T. Sheridan, seconded by Mr. M. E. Knight, the following resolution was unanimously adopted :— "That Mr. T. A. Ireland, Mr. E. J. Mallins and Mr. P. Glynn be appointed Auditors of the Accounts of the Society for the year ending 30th April, 1929, and that this meeting expresses on behalf of the Society its best thanks to Mr. W. W. Carruthers for the valued services rendered by him for many years past in his dis charge of the office of an Auditor of the Society's accounts and from which he desires now to retire."

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