The Gazette 1927-30


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Vol. XXIII, No. 1.]

MAY, 1929.


Income Tax Collection. A letter in reply from the Revenue Com missioners was read stating that the Income Tax Collector who had claimed professional costs of proceedings taken by him in person for recovery of income tax under Section 11 of the Finance Act, 1924, was not certain as to the costs that the Court might allow him. He soon, however, understood that he should not claim professional costs for a personal application, and that no such claim had been made for a considerable time. Irish Manuscripts. A letter was read from the Irish Manu scripts Commission enclosing a draft of a proposed circular letter intended to be issued to Solicitors in Ireland seeking information as to the existence of any documents of Irish historical value among the papers in their offices. The letter requested from the Council a recommendation to the members of the Society that they would assist the Commis sion in its quest for information. The Council directed a letter in reply as requested to be written. VACANCIES ON THE COUNCIL. The three vacancies in the membership of the Council caused by the deaths of Mr. Frank Fottrell, Mr. Patrick J. Byrne, and Mr. Bernard J. O'Flaherty have been filled by Mr. Philip J. O'Sullivan, Mr. V. Miley and Mr. W. Henry, who were elected to the supplemental list in November last.

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. Members are reminded that their annual subscriptions to the Society became due on the first day of May, as follows :— Town Members and Country

Members of more than three years' standing who desire to be entitled to vote at election of Ordinary Members of the Council ... ... Other Country Members Members who have been admitted to the profession less than three years

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llth April. Twenty-four Members present.

Deaths of Mr. Byrne and Mr. O'Flaherty. Resolutions were passed expressing the deep regret .of the Council at the deaths of their colleagues, Mr. Patrick J. Byrne, of Carlow, and Mr. Bernard J. O'Flaherty, of Enniscorthy. Circuit Courts. Mr. Bradley informed the Council that a meeting of the Circuit Courts Rule-making Committee had been summoned for the then following Saturday, for the purpose of con sidering a rule submitted by the Minister for Justice increasing the Circuit Court fee funds. The Council passed a resolution, to be sent to the Minister, expressing the opinion of the Council that until Circuit Court Rules regulating the procedure of the Circuit Courts have been passed by the Oireachtas there should be no alteration in the existing Circuit Court fee funds.

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