The Gazette 1927-30


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JANUARY, 1929.

Vol. XXII, No. 7.]


SOLICITORS' ANNUAL CERTIFICATES. Members are reminded that Annual Certificates for the year ending 5th January, 1930, should be taken out and the duties paid thereon before 6th February, 1929. Certificates enabling Solicitors to practise in the Irish Free State are issued in the office of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin, and the duties thereon are payable at the Stamp Office, Law Courts, Dublin Castle. Certificates enabling Solicitors to practise in Northern Ireland are issued in the office of the Incorporated Law Society of Northern Ireland, 35 Royal Avenue, Belfast, and the duties thereon are payable at the Inland Revenue Office, Belfast. Elections of President and Vice-Presidents. The Council elected Mr. E. H. Burne to be President of the Society, and Mr. C. J. Laverty and Mr. H. K. Toomey to be Vice- Presidents for the ensuing twelve months. General Meetings. It was resolved that the hour for General Meetings of the Society be half-past two o'clock, p.m., unless otherwise specially ordered. MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL. 6th December. Twenty-six Members present.

13th December.

Twenty-four Members present.

Extra-Ordinary Members. The names of the following were submitted by the Southern Law Association to serve as Extra-Ordinary Members of the Council for year ending 26th November, 1929 :—Mr. A. H. Julian (President), Mr. J. J. Morgan, Mr. C. Jermyn, Mr. P. J. Kavanagh, and Mr. W. Murphy. Statutory Committee. A letter was submitted from the Chief Justice appointing the following members of the Council to be the Statutory Committee for year ending 26th November, 1929 :— Mr. Burne, Mr. Orpen, Mr. Quirke, Mr. Scales, Mr. Tallan, and Mr. Thompson. Legal Practitioners (Qualification) Bill. A Special Committee was appointed to consider this Bill, as amended by Special Committee of the Dail, and to report to Council. Dublin Circuit Court. The matter of the large arrear of cases awaiting hearing was considered, and action to be taken in the event of immediate additional arrangements for the discharge of the judicial work of the Court not being made, was decided on.

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