The Gazette 1927-30
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
MAY, 1927]
Examination Results. At the Preliminary Examination held on llth and 12th April, the following passed the examination, and their names are arranged in order of merit: 1. Timothy Linehan. 2. Robert Geary. 3. Brian O'Brolchain. 4. Thomas A. O'Gorman. 5. Mary Neilan.
Rules of High Court. The following amendment of the High Court Rules of 13th July, 1926, was made by the Minister of Justice on 14th April, 1927, with the concurrence of the Rules Committee, and has been approved of by the resolution of both Houses of the Oireachtas : Rule 4 of Order VII. of the High Court Rules of 13th July, 1926, shall be annulled, and there shall be inserted in lieu thereof the following new Rule : 4. In case of default of appearance of any Defendant (other than such Defendant as is in Rule 2 hereof mentioned) to a Summary Summons or to a Plenary Summons on foot of a liquidated demand, such Judgment may be given on the hearing of the Summons as the Master or the Judge, as the case may be, may consider the Plaintiff to be entitled to, but no judgment by default shall be entered for any debt or liquidated demand under . this Rule until an affidavit shall have been filed specifying the sum then actually due. Rules 1 and 2 of Order XV. of the said Rules shall be annulled, and there shall be inserted in lieu thereof the following new Rules : 1. Every Summary Summons endorsed with a claim under Order 111, Rule 1 (L), to which an appearance has been entered shall be set down by the Plaintiff for hearing by the Master on the first available day, as the Master may fix, not being less than four clear days from service upon the Defendant of notice of such setting down. An Affidavit showing that the Plaintiff is entitled to the relief claimed shall be served together with the notice. 2. Every Summary Summons endorsed with a claim under Order 111, Rule 1 (ii.), to which an appearance has been entered shall be set down by the Plaintiff for hearing by the Master on the first available day, as the Master may fix, not being less than four clear days from the service upon the Defendant of notice of such setting down. An Affidavit showing that the Plaintiff is entitled to the possession of the land claimed to be recovered and to the other relief claimed (if any) shall be served together with the notice.
6. Michael J. O'Brien. 7. Henry J. Shanahan. 8. Hugh C.-McGahon. 9. Thomas A. O'Reilly. 10. John H. O'Keeffe. 11. James H. G. German. 12. Thomas J. Batty. 13. John L. McDowelJ. 14. Frederick W. Conway "1 16. Henry L. Cosgrove. 17. Arthur G. Fegan. 18. Thomas A. Riordan. 19. John A. Ryan. 20. Bernard Clare. 21. Thomas D. Kelly \ William J. Ryan ,, ,. T T Martin J. Lavan }
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passed ;
3 were postponed.
At the Final Examination held on 4th, 5th and 6th April, the following passed the examination, and their names are arranged in order of merit: 1. Peter P. Wilkinson. 2. James S. Byme. 3. Patrick Byrne. 4. James A. Rice. } 'Frederick W. D. Moorhead, I equal. B.A., N.U.I. J 8. Mark F. Conroy. 9. Frederick G. Patterson. 10. John S. MacNeice. 11. William T. M. Ardill. 12. Frederick H- Charles. 13. Frederick J. Dempsey. 14. Maurice de L. Staunton. The Council awarded a Silver Medal to Peter P. Wilkinson and a Special Certificate to James S. Byrne. Twenty-three candidates attended: 14 passed ; 9 were postponed. 5. George Crowley. 6. Vincent P. Dillon
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