The Gazette 1927-30
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
COURTS OF JUSTICE (No. 2) BILL, 1928. This Bill was introduced by the Minister for Justice in the Dail on the 31st October, 1928. The objects of the Bill are to validate certain judgments heretofore obtained in the High Court on default of appearance by the Defendant, and to make provision in respect of certain other judgments so obtained which have been lately set aside by the High Court. IRISH SOLICITORS' GOLFING SOCIETY. The competition for the Cup presented by the Council of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland was held at Dollymount (by kind permission), on the 2nd October. Forty-six members competed, with the following result :— T. V. Davy, 73 nett. A. G. Joyce, 74 nett. S. Mathews won the novice prize, and D. Collins the prize for the best gross. In the Fourball Sweepstake Messrs. Lowe and T. H. Hayes tied with Messrs. C. G. O'Brien and McGrath with 6 up ; Messrs. Grove White and G. Byrne being 5 up, and Messrs. Furlong and Davy also 5 up. In the play-off for the Cup A. E. Prentice won. In the evening a dinner, presided over by the President of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, was held ; forty members were present. INCOME TAX. The following paragraph appeared in the "Times" of 22nd October, 1928. It deals with a matter in reference to which members of the profession make enquiry from the Society from time to time :— "Solicitors and Inland Revenue Demands. " A recent issue of the ' Solicitors' Journal' contains a strong protest on behalf of members of the legal profession with regard to the demands now made by inspectors of taxes for information which is obviously of a confidential character. Solicitors rightly believe that the confidence which their clients repose in them should be regarded as inviol able. The predicament, therefore, in which the practitioner finds himself on receipt of a demand from an inspector of taxes for a A. E. Prentice, 70 nett. A. Lane Joynt, 70 nett.
MR. HUGH J. HAYES, Solicitor, Lurgan, died upon the 5th September, 1928, at his residence, Moorefield, Maralin, Lurgan. Mr. Hayes served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Hans McMordie, Belfast; was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1882, and practised at Lurgan. MR. GEORGE D. CLANCY, Solicitor, died upon the 7th September, 1928, at 30 Belgrave Road, Monkstown, Co. Dublin. ~TO» Mr. Clancy was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1887, and practised at 20 St. Andrew Street, Dublin, until 1926,' when he retired. MR. MICHAEL LAVERY, Solicitor, died upon the 13th September, 1928, at Lisburn. Mr. Lavery served his apprenticeship with Mr. Joseph Alien, Lisburn ; was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1910, and practised at Lisburn. MR. RICHMOND A. E. EVANS, Solicitor, died upon the 6th October, 1928, at his residence, Ballynahinch, Co. Down. Mr. Evans was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1881, and practised at Ballynahinch. MR. THOMAS FALLS, Solicitor, died upon the 29th October, 1928, at 23 Elm Park Gardens, Chelsea, London. Mr. Falls served his apprenticeship with his father, the late Mr. Henry Falls ; was admitted in Easter Term, 1877, and practised at 7 Lower Dominick Street, and subsequently at 2 Gardiner's Row, Dublin, up to 1922, when he retired. He was a member of the Council of the Society from 1887 to 1901, and was a Vice- president in the year 1898-97. NEW MEMBERS. The following have joined the Society :— Joseph Barrett, 19 Eustace Street, Dublin. Charles Ebrill, Limerick.
Michael J. McMahon, Kilrush. Francis G. Orr, Castleblayney.
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